Wi-Fi Trades Bluesummer's Shop. With a really unupdated OP!

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RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With Satoshi Pikachu!

Celebi: Timid @ 14/21/31/14/27/26

really want that one (it has nasty plot I assume?)

I can trade:
shiny ponyta
shiny charmander
ALAMOS modest darkrai
VGC 2010 eevee

is that enough?
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With Satoshi Pikachu!

Might be German. I'd have to check it on Pokesav to get the actual language of the Eevee. What's the date and characteristic of the Eevee?
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With Satoshi Pikachu!

Here it is:

EVOLI (Eevee)
Hardy Nature.
Apparently had a fateful encounter at lv. 50.
Thoroughly Cunning.
Item:Focus Sash
Ball:Cherish Ball
Iron Tail
Trump Card
Quick Attack

Need anything else?
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With Satoshi Pikachu!

Is the date June 5? I have a German Eevee with the same characteristic.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With Satoshi Pikachu!

Blastoisefolife said:
haha are u still interested in the UT shiny ponyta calm and drifloon modest?

trade for you lonely beldum, and adamant rhyhorn? I also have a jolly charmander if youd like that to.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With Satoshi Pikachu!

TFH - I already have that Eevee.

Blast - sure. Please register 3051 3499 4874.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With Satoshi Pikachu!

alright cool there all UT right? So my drif and pony for your beldum and rhyhorn. If you want the charmander as well would also like the bashful lapras. If not the original trade sounds good
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With Satoshi Pikachu!

TFH - I have that nature of ALAMOS Darkrai.

Blast - we can do the 3:3 trade. What's your FC?
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With Satoshi Pikachu!

I cant believe this, u ARE TO GOOD XD

OK, how about...*digs deep in pocket* A admant one of the same celebi for the timid?

and if not that, could I trade some UT shinies and events for it?
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With Satoshi Pikachu!

TFH - I have all dates (and within all those dates, all natures) of Eigaken Celebi already. You can offer UT shinies for it though, but they have to be fairly decent.

Blast - will be in Wifi soon.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With Satoshi Pikachu!

I can offer:(all r UT and shiny)
jolly charmander
calm ponyta
modest drifloon
Pikachu colored Pichu

is that any good?

OH, and if it isnt, CMT, I WANT THAT CELEBI, will give u anything from my thread.
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