Wi-Fi Trades Bluesummer's Shop. With a really unupdated OP!

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RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With WORLD10 Crobat!

Only rayquaza and latias I didn't do myself

Also, if you're interested, I'd like you to check my thread for whatever you're looking for, for these:

English Platinum shinies(cloned):
Heracross (Adamant)<*unnicknameable
Regirock (Adamant)
Zangoose (Adamant)

Pokewalker Pokemon!
***Pikachu @ Surf (33996 - Docile, Serious) (57375 - Hardy)
***Pikachu @ Fly (57375 - Serious) (20067 - Hardy)

Not all of those pikachu though, just one of each, if you will:p
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With WORLD10 Crobat!

Check my thread because it is way to many to list. XD.:)
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With WORLD10 Crobat!

Uhm, did you quit or am I just too impatient, 'cause I'd like to know if you're interested in trading:p
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With WORLD10 Crobat!

School started, so I've been busy with that (and getting through the storyline of B/W).

xxxashxxx - I can't make a decision if I do not know their natures.

DJ - I would like this:
Latias (Jolly/LV50/UT/29 speed iv's)
Non-legends don't interest me too much.

I am looking for Pokemon Black exclusives, and the legendary Pokemon.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With WORLD10 Crobat!

do you have a JEREMY oddish or a spiritbomb from the pokewalker and i will like fly pikachu male
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With WORLD10 Crobat!

I have:
e4all manaphy
nz manaphy
tru manaphy
ash's pikachu
tcgwc pikachu
birthday pikachu
pc tokyo charmander
crown dogs
movie 10 celebi
goon's scizor
space c deoxys
smr2010 jirachi
mystry mew
pokewalker bronzor
pokewalker geodude(selfdestruct,rollout,rock blast,earthquake)
pokewalker voltorb(tackle,sonicboom,spark,rollout)
pokewalker magikarp(bounce)
world10 crobat
celebi lv10 from hoenn
newmoon shiny darkrai
kanto deoxys raised only by one
nws manaphy
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With WORLD10 Crobat!

Firstly, none of those would be worth a JEREMY Oddish even if I had one, and I have at least one of everything you have. Plus, you do not provide adequate information about them, namely their natures. I am not interested in any of those Pokemon.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With WORLD10 Crobat!

how about a luxray lv 100 with thunder,nature sassy,ability intimate or a empoleon lv 100 nicknamed ace,nature relaxed
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With WORLD10 Crobat!

I am keen on the adamant zangoose and anorith - please check my thread for anything you want andd I can supply information on all of them.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With WORLD10 Crobat!

ok then how about we trade only that for a shiny mudkip then?
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With WORLD10 Crobat!

No information was provided, so I am declining the trade offer.

I now have ample Mijumaru, Pokabu, and Zoruas for people with Black/White who need one or more of the aforementioned Pokemon. I'll gladly trade them for a Pokemon I do not have yet (I need a lot XD).
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With WORLD10 Crobat!

I was referring to the shiny mudkip with an attack nature you might RNG trade me for my shiny UT jolly latias with 29 speed iv's.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With WORLD10 Crobat!

I have no time to do that anymore due to school, sorry.

I'll downsize the shop sometime within the week to make it focus on Gen 5 general stuff like the starters and psudo-legends.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With WORLD10 Crobat!

Would you still be interested to trade that particular latias for:

English Platinum shinies(cloned):
Zangoose (Adamant)
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With WORLD10 Crobat!

Ugh, I forgot to downsize the shop...

Um, in order of posts from latest to newest: I didn't see anything I wanted, if you really want it, and it's only for filler and nothing else.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With WORLD10 Crobat!

Hey Bluesummer, Im interested into:
NZ Manaphy
"Best": Mischevious - 31/3/21/31/23/24
and any 1 World10 Crobat.

I have access to XD and Colosseum UT Pokémon now, if you are still interested into those. Just say which ones you want.
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