Wi-Fi Trades Bluesummer's Shop. With a really unupdated OP!

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RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With many Eigaken Celebis.

HG shiny UT LageOfRage Gyarados(Quiet/Female), used it as an HM slave, does that matter to you?

Looking to get any Eigakin(Or however it was spelled) Celebi, details are unimportant, I just want one for the event unlock. I can go find other shinies/events if the Gyarados isn't to your liking.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With many Eigaken Celebis.

Can you switch back all the attacks to what they were when you first caught it please?
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With many Eigaken Celebis.

Uhh, I'm not sure what the moves were, lol.

I'll go find out and do that, then.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With many Eigaken Celebis.

Alright. If I decide to log off for the night I'll trade with you tomorrow.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With many Eigaken Celebis.

Bite/DragonRage/Leer/Twister appears to be what its moveset should be, in that order.

That alright with you then?
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With many Eigaken Celebis.

Yeah. Just so long as the moves are the same as it's supposed to have when it's first obtained (otherwise it would be T, and I don't trade for T 'Mons).
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With many Eigaken Celebis.

hey blue, do you have any crummy celebi's you don't need? i mean with bad IV's and whatnot, ill trade you a shiny alakazam and a shiny lotad for it
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With many Eigaken Celebis.

shar - not enough info provided.

Man - same as shar.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With many Eigaken Celebis.

Lotad: level 1 UT
Seriuos nature
Egg recieved Sep. 27, 2009 OT: Erinn 35477
Hatched at Lake Verity
somewhat stubborn

Alakazam: level 48
careful nature
caught on Feb. 5, 2008 OT PINK 07547
Victory Road
met at level 46
hates to lose

i also have shiny male ralts: level 4
adamant nature
caught Aug. 29th 2007
Hoenn OT Kaiba 45223
arrived at level 4
often dozes off
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With many Eigaken Celebis.

That Lotad's mine (has my Platinum game's OT and ID). Alakazam is T, and I don't trade for T 'Mons. Was the Ralts checked?
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With many Eigaken Celebis.

I have a shiny evee serious nature, shiny drifloon modest, and shiny ponyta calm all UT lvl 1
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With many Eigaken Celebis.

Bluesummers said:
I'm interested in the Ponyta and the Drifloon.

Would you trade your lonely SHiny beldum, and modest Shiny squirtle? I also have an UT jolly charmander.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With many Eigaken Celebis.

Yeah. I was exausted last night so I went offline.XD Are you ready to trade?
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With many Eigaken Celebis.

Alright. Please register 5027 0617 8149. I need your FC please.
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