Booburn LV.X- lets discuss about this card...

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Ice Pokemon Master

The Amazing Race/Heroes>You
Here is the text spoiler:

Booburn L.X – Fire – HP130
Level Up

Poke-Power: Scorching Cannon
You can use this power once during your turn, if Booburn is your Active Pokemon. Choose 1 of the Defending Pokemon, and that Pokemon is now Burned. Place 3 damage counters on the Burned Pokemon in between turns instead of 2. This power can’t be used if Booburn is affected by a Special Condition.

[R][R][R][R] Flame Blaster: Discard 2 Fire Energy attached to Booburn, then do 100 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Pokemon. Booburn can’t use Flame Blaster during your next turn.

Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 3

I think it is a good card, but every card has it pros and cons. For instance, this card is good because it can burn the Defending Pokemon and do damage to the Bench. But the bad thing is you can use the attack once every 2 turns. I think retreat cost of 3 is a little bit too high. This is just my opinion, so I wanna know what you guys think about this card, canuse I'm thinking if I have it, I'd put in my Deck...
With Fluffy it doesn't matter much. or Sally Ex DX. anyway, Steelix Ex>>>Booburn lvlX
Wow. <3 him

Don't forget he can use normal Booburn's attacks. And yes Fluffy/Balloon will get him out in a pinch.
Booburn L.X + Blaziken pk + Ampharos or Gardevoir d ... that will let you power the attack each round.

2x Booburn L.X + Blaziken pk + 2x Fluffy Berry would work too.
Why is Steelix ex better?
Not to forget that Steelix has more HP. remember that Booburn has 2x Weakness.
It's going to be a great tech in Burn decks like my friends. But Steelix ex is better, but it's going to be out of the format this year.....
Too bad it can't be candied and you can only have 2 versions if you want to get 2 of them out, but I like it, with fluffy, blaziken PK and another one in play, this chicken is lethal. It might pop up every now and then, maybe even kill a few Pokémon until it meet Ronald McDonalds :)
-Just me- said:
Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
Why is Steelix ex better?

Easier to get in play.

His attack is less expensive.

Good resistances.

Abuse of metal energy.

It looks better.
And yet, this baby can do soo many things steelix can't. One thing, if legend maker stays in rotation/D/P comes out before worlds, it can abuse boost like no tommrow. Also, I'll take harder to get in play over ex every time. Booburn can also use its previous evos, I don't see how steelix's attackers are less expensive...Good me there. Metal energy is also nice, but it takes fighting, so it won't have that many on it. And it only looks better if you like giant metal roosters. :p And, face it, auto burn is better then posion resistance.
Papi/Manny said:
-Just me- said:
Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
Why is Steelix ex better?

Easier to get in play.

His attack is less expensive.

Good resistances.

Abuse of metal energy.

It looks better.
And yet, this baby can do soo many things steelix can't. One thing, if legend maker stays in rotation/D/P comes out before worlds, it can abuse boost like no tommrow. Also, I'll take harder to get in play over ex every time. Booburn can also use its previous evos, I don't see how steelix's attackers are less expensive...Good me there. Metal energy is also nice, but it takes fighting, so it won't have that many on it. And it only looks better if you like giant metal roosters. :p And, face it, auto burn is better then posion resistance.

abuse boost??
T1: Magby Active, Baby Evolution to Magmar, attach Boost, T1 40. Quit simple

Boorburn lvl 42 (or what ever) Sucks IMO. so that doesnt matter
Papi/Manny said:
And yet, this baby can do soo many things steelix can't. One thing, if legend maker stays in rotation/D/P comes out before worlds, it can abuse boost like no tommrow. Also, I'll take harder to get in play over ex every time. Booburn can also use its previous evos, I don't see how steelix's attackers are less expensive...Good me there. Metal energy is also nice, but it takes fighting, so it won't have that many on it. And it only looks better if you like giant metal roosters. :p And, face it, auto burn is better then posion resistance.

Well, steelix's first attack is not very hard to pay for and his second attack uses only 2 specific energy.
Making him more versatile to fit in every deck that powers up quickly, no matter the type of the extra energy attached, because it only requires an holon poke and any other 2 energy, unlike buuburn.

I'm not saying that the card is bad, in fact it can abuse of scramble and DRE, and after various rotations this can be a strong deck to deal with (you know...that typhlo with fire starter thingy).
The pokepower is awesome also, the only downside about the card is getting it in play.

Magmars body at hand, (don't need magby as Booburn is an evolved poke) and you mix up sniping and smokescreen....sounds good to me.

BTW Steelix has 2 weaknesses, loses 2 prizes, has more retreat, can't utalize 99% of tools, and Booburn can instantly burn without attacking...hmmm, I go Booburn, of course he isn't his own deck...he will need some help...Skarmory ex or Houndoom Holon Circle lock?
Houndoom will be already out when this set is released.

And steelix ex too...

So, why continue discussing this...
A good card with 100 damage to a benched Pokemon, but too risky with the 2 energy cost and not being able to attack during the next turn. You will then need to wait 2 turns to power up the attack with energy. The poke-power is the best.
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