Books, Books, and more Books

Do you like to read books?

  • Yeah, totally!

    Votes: 21 60.0%
  • Kind of

    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • not really

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • NO!

    Votes: 2 5.7%

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Now, I know there are a lot of readers and writers here. So, this is a pretty simple thread.
Do you read books? Of course you do but I mean for pleasure, not for assignments and stuff
Do you like to read? Yeah totally
What kind of books? Like: Fiction, Non-fiction, biography, documentary, adventure, mystery, etc.
Haye you ever read any book, and it turned out you don't like it and you "wasted" your money on it? Well there was one book, when I was in 2nd grade, but that's that.
What book or series have you read, and liked/loved right away?
Has anybody heard of the 39 Clues (maybe you've read it)?
I love to read, I love fantasy and mostly series. I enjoy Harry Potter, Warriors, and Percy Jackson & the Olympians.
Yeah, I love to read for fun whenever I have time. Which isn't that often. I like reading Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Twlight, etc. Other books I've read are usually quite enjoyable as well, like certain classics and Dan Brown.

dmaster out.
Meaty said:
I love to read, I love fantasy and mostly series. I enjoy Harry Potter, Warriors, and Percy Jackson & the Olympians.
You read Warriors? Me too. And Percy Jackson, too. And of course Harry Potter.
I'm currently reading Inkheart, and have plans to read Dan Brown and Stephen Hawking soon.
I would highly recommend Night, Dawn, and Day (3 books in that order) by Elie Wiesel. Great psychological thrillers...

I'd also recommend Jane Eyre by Charolette Bronte just so ya'll can see how so many of your standard cliches got started. ;P

I'm basically into all kinds of genres, as you can see. I'm hoping to start writing about my (pessimistic) views on life sooner or later. Probably something a lot like Lord of the Flies and Of Mice and Men.
I adore the Series of Unfortunate Events. I've recently picked them up again and am currently reading "The Hostile Hospital".
MylesPrower said:
I adore the Series of Unfortunate Events. I've recently picked them up again and am currently reading "The Hostile Hospital".

Really? I cant stand those books, its just how the author every so often rants about how bad and depressing the book is. I've read all the books.
I enjoy reading books a lot, but I don't have much time to read cuz of school.
Oh yeah, I forgot about A Series of Unfortunate Events... They used to be my favorite books, but then I stumbled across Harry Potter which will always be amazing, then warriors which isn't the best but actually still has books coming out, and very recently I found Percy Jackson which I fell in love with, read through each book and am now depressed I won't be seeing more. Why would Rick Riordan stop to write stupid "Kane Chronicles"?
I don't really read much teenage fiction.

This is still the best series I've ever read. Not appropriate for children but I don't care; the plotline is fantastic.
I picked up a copy of Frankenstein today at the library, felt like I should read up on more classics. In fact I recently made a huge list of books I gotta read, or at least give a chance, within the next 10 years or so. Once I'm done with Franky boy it'll probably be To Kill A Mockingbird or something.

I'm a complete Discworld addict, and have read through all of Pratchett's 30+ books (although incredibly sadly he won't be around for much longer, and his deteriorating condition seems to have affected his writing style -- his latest book was quite honestly a mess...). Also read through Hitchhikers and the obligatory Harry Potter series (THE ENDING WAS COOL IT WAS NOT BODGED SHUT UP GEEZ
). Everything else I read is generally academic stuff or magazines like National Geographic and New Scientist.

Also everyone should read. If you don't have the time, make room for some!

Fave book is probably Of Mice and Men, a very deep yet very short book that is pure brilliance in concentrate.
I'm currently reading this. I mostly read Psychiatric books, maybe sometimes science fiction, but not necessarily "mainstream". I like the Ender's Game series of books, along with The Sky People and its successors. Classics like Lord of the Rings I, of course, have read. I haven't had the time to read much anymore, but I really miss it.
Anything by Douglas Adams. That guy is a genius and if you haven't read his books your life is meaningless. I also enjoy the Discworld books by Terry Pratchet. That, and the Percy Jackson books (Though I hated the movie). Seriusouly, how hard is it to get a PEN right?
I have just finished 'A thousand splendid suns', that is a really good book, one of my favourites. Harry potter will always have its place in my heart. I also enjoy the book I have been assigned for English Lit, 'Of Mice and Men'.

However, I have never read a Charles Dickens book, I really want to read David Copperfield, Im just dont have that much time :/

bacon said:
Fave book is probably Of Mice and Men, a very deep yet very short book that is pure brilliance in concentrate.

Oh, that's good. We're doing that for our English stuff.

Anyway, Douglas Adams stuff is cool, don't like Harry Potter very much unlike a lot of people here. Read a lot of graphic novels, Watchmen/The Dark Knight Returns/V for Vendetta being some random favourites. Also read a few sciencey books.

And, finally, I'm reading Catch 22 in my spare time atm and it's pretty good.