Books, Books, and more Books

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I really liked the Artemis Fowl books, Percy Jackson and the Olympians was a good series as well.
I read occasionally. The fact that my school forces me to read boring historical fiction books makes me tired of reading by the end of the day usually. When I'm in the mood, I like reading. Authors I like:

Margret Peterson Haddix ~ Met her in real life, I also had lunch with her. She said I'm an "aspiring author" :p If only my teacher thought so. She wrote the Shadow Children Series, and some new series. I have a bunch of books signed by hey :p

Mary Pope Osbourne ~ Well I liked her when I was little, but I also met her and had lunch with her (Long story don't bother asking) She wrote the magic tree house series.... remember this was a ling time ago.

George Orwell ~ No explanation needed.

Suzanne Collins ~ I like her books, have a few signed by her, and met her once. Not as well as Margret, who I still keep in touch with.

Christopher Paolini

Neil Shusterman ~ My teacher idolizes this guy and she got him to come down to meet us. I like the Everwild series, and the Unwind series the best from him.

Other than that, I like random books, mostly by recommendation.
Juliacoolo said:
Christopher Paolini

Also, I half expected the ending of Ender's Game to just be "No, Andrew. You are the buggers."

Needless to say this did not occur. There was some wackiness that went down but nothing like that.

Now reading Nightfall.
I absolutely love fantasy, sci-fi, and other naturally geeky stuff, but I also love when it's written by a competent author. When I was a kid I read Chronicles of Narnia, Redwall, The White Mountains series, and The Hobbit. Good times... :)

I have recently started reading Michael Crichton, and I fell in love with Jurassic Park. I mean, I love dinosaurs regardless, but I love them even more when they're in an awesome book,and Jurassic Park is an awesome book.

One book I really want to read is Ender's Game. I've read the so-so halo books and I thought they were good, but from what I've heard Ender's Game is 100x better.
Wow i am so happy to know how many peopole like to read in school this is not the case. But my favorite book series is Harry Potter,specially the last book but it ruins sometimes the movie for me i was really mad when they left out the part where the minister of magic talks to the first minister or something.My second favorite series is inheritance by Cristopher Paolini(Eragon,Eldest,Brisingr),And then is Dan Brown the last book i read was the lost symbol it has a great story.While i usually read long books in 15 days or less, there is this series of books by Donita K Paul that the first to took me like a month.I think i will start reading again or study a language(japanese, italian)So right now i am really thinking which book should i read, Percy Jackson and the olimpians or Needfull things by Stephen King