Ruling Booster Dilemma


Aspiring Trainer
Well, tomorrow i'm going out to buy a bunch of booster packs. I have enough money to buy 8 packs.

I'm trying to put together a deck so I can get out there and play but the problem is I have junk trainers and pokes at the moment.

So I'll be able to buy Ex Dragon fronteir Packs and Power Keeper Packs.

Should I buy 4 of each or 8 of one to increase my chances of getting a bunch of the same poke?

Or any other suggestions?
imho, as a late comer to pokemon (i just started playing 6-7 months ago) holon phantoms has the best trainers.
I can't get my hands on any holon Phantom cards. I'm pretty much stuck with PK and DF.
Trainer wise Delta Species is great. Holon Phantoms & Dragon Frontiers are very good too.

IMHO though buying specific trainer cards is probably better than buying random packs. If you can get to a shop that sells cards or buy stuff of eBay I would do that first. If all you have ready access to is packs then DS/DF/HP.
The new tins, with the D/P teaser cards, have a nice mix of packs in them.  2 Power Keepers, 1 Dragon Frontiers, 1 Delta Species.  Power Keepers are nice right now because they are new, so they trade pretty decently.  Dragon Frontiers is a power set, all the Ex's can have decks built around them and there are decent trainers here as well.  Delta Species is the home of the Holon Engine, has other good trainers to boot, and lots of good Rares like Dragonite and Metagross.  Overall, I'd stick with Dragon Frontiers if you're buying many packs at a time in hopes of pulling one of the better Ex's or a *.  Another option might be Unseen Forces packs as there are lots of great Ex's in there and some good trainers as well, but UF will more than likely rotate out after Worlds so you are better off with the newer sets.
EX's - Dragon Frontiers
Trainers - Delta Species
Good Holos such as Blaziken, Gardy - Power Keepers

Hope that helps.
Want reprints? Go PK...
Want deltas? Go DS or DF
Want Mew? GO LM
Want 2nd generation Pokemon? Go UF
Want legendaries? Go DX or EM
Want 4th generation Pokemon? Wait until DP comes out...
DF. IMO that set gives the most playable cards by just opening 8 packs if you want to make a deck.
Thanks for the advice. I think I'll go DF. It has some great ex's like Rayquaza and better trainers than PK. Really great responses, really helped me out! =]
If I wear you I'd go for DF.
(1) Best dragons besides dragonite ex from DS
(2) Good pokemon that know gring to increase power based on energy
(3) Some of tha best delta's out there!:D
Ya, I was really lucky they only had three Df packs left but I got a Flygon ex from them and a Jolteon* out of the PK packs. =]