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Bosley's Binder - Update! [H] Lots, 5 Claydols, Tons of Xs!

What deck(s) should I play? I'm bored.

  • Legos

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • GeChamp

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • PAMU

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • SpeedChamp

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • Kingdra

    Votes: 4 23.5%

  • Total voters
RE: Bosley's Binder - [H] Lots, 50+ Xs, 8 Claydols, etc.

Rayquaza95: The main things I need are team galactic's inventions (multiples of each) and 3-4 Crobat G. If you have them, offer from there.

Same for you, Superwolfe. Unless by "Just the Uxie" you mean the Lv. X, and if so I saw nothing.
RE: Bosley's Binder - [H] Lots, 50+ Xs, 8 Claydols, etc.

I pulled an uxie today so i dont need that anymore..what would you want for just the azelf?
RE: Bosley's Binder - [H] Lots, 50+ Xs, 8 Claydols, etc.

Sorry man, I didnt fix the image links in my thread :3

I only have these:
RH Gengar SF
RH Call Energy

The rest were from my needs...
RE: Bosley's Binder - [H] Lots, 50+ Xs, 8 Claydols, etc.

Well I am looking for Dialga G lv X, maybe a 1-1 line

EDIT: I got a RH uxie so this trades gona have to get bigger
RE: Bosley's Binder - [H] Lots, 50+ Xs, 8 Claydols, etc.

ok, so heres my offer
3 crobat g
4 of each TG invention
3 uxie LA not the x
RE: Bosley's Binder - [H] Lots, 50+ Xs, 8 Claydols, etc.

CML for your 2x Uxie, Claydol, Call energy, 4x Kingdra and 2x PokeDrawer.
RE: Bosley's Binder - [H] Lots, 50+ Xs, 8 Claydols, etc.

Superwofle: I will definitely pass on that.

Kingdra Master: No thank you. That's not even remotely a decent offer.

Pi3ce0fmind: Cool username, but sorry, didn't see anything I needed really.

Look: Can you do the promo Dusk and promo Mag for the Azelf? Lmk.

Kashmaster: Well, by "bigger" what exactly are you proposing? I'd rather hold my 1-1 Dialga G X line since I'm going to play legos, so if that turns you away immediately, that's fine, if not let me know what interests you or at least values on your stuff so we can start working something out.
RE: Bosley's Binder - [H] Lots, 50+ Xs, 8 Claydols, etc.

nah im sorry then since I got the dialga G lv X offer from someone else, also your not allowed to list decked cards in these forums, well since I have no uxie RH what else do you want?
RE: Bosley's Binder - [H] Lots, 50+ Xs, 8 Claydols, etc.

If an actual mod tells me to remove such clause, I will gladly due so. But, the way I look at it, if I'm willing to trade it, I can list it, as nothing is truly off-limits given the right offer. Besides, I change decklists constantly.

In addition, since I had that listed when it was approved, I don't see the big deal. So, nice try.

Anyway, still interested in the TSD you mentioned.
RE: Bosley's Binder - [H] Lots, 50+ Xs, 8 Claydols, etc.

Make me an offer so I know where your at. Also im just saying the best thing to do is list the cards currently not in your deck, when you change then you can modify your thread. Im just trying to help you from getting in trouble. Im sure it says in the rules your not allowed...
RE: Bosley's Binder - [H] Lots, 50+ Xs, 8 Claydols, etc.

I don't value the inventions and crobats that highly.

Kashmaster: I actually don't have a deck made right now, hence why I'm trading to get stuff for it. When I do make one, I'll remove cards from the list.

Claydol/Uxie and some other minor things for the TSD?
RE: Bosley's Binder - [H] Lots, 50+ Xs, 8 Claydols, etc.

I can do that. PM me details plz
RE: Bosley's Binder - [H] Lots, 50+ Xs, 8 Claydols, etc.

Sorry man, I didnt fix the image links in my thread :3

I only have these:
RH Gengar SF
RH Call Energy

The rest were from my needs...
RE: Bosley's Binder - [H] Lots, Claydols, Platinum, Etc.

No thanks. That's not even remotely fair for me.
RE: Bosley's Binder - [H] Lots, Claydols, Platinum, Etc.

When I said "Claydol/Uxie" I meant one OR the other.

So, how about a regular Claydol, a reverse azelf, and something very minor of your choice. Uxie throws it way over.
RE: Bosley's Binder - [H] Lots, Claydols, Platinum, Etc.

well can you CML for more for the uxie and cant you make it a RH claydol