• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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BR Masters Luxchomp (Luxray GL/Garchomp C) (Rookie year)


Rookie Year
Pokemon - 18

2-2 Luxray GL LV.X - x
2-2 Garchomp C LV.X
1-1 Drifblim (UD)
2-1 Uxie LV.X
1 Bronzong G
1 Crobat G
1 Toxicroak G (Promo)
1 Azelf (Legends Awakened)
1 Ambipom G

Trainers/Supporters - 29

4 Cyrus' Conspiracy
1 Bebe's Search
2 Aaron's Collection
4 Energy Gain
4 Poke Turn
3 Power Spray
3 SP Radar
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Energy Exchanger

Energy - 13

3 Psychic Energy
3 Lightning Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
3 Call Energy

Basic Luxchomp strat, which you probably already know if you are posting in this thread. BTW the BR's are in MN, don't know if that changes anything as I am not currently too familiar with the Metagame around here with it being my first year playing the Pokemon TCG and all. Anyway... LMK what you think

P.S. before everyone tells me to remove some of my basic energy cards they are kinda my counter to Scizor Prime encase it gets any play around here what with all the hype about the body and such.
- 1 Crobat G
+ 1 Energy Gain

Playing 4 Energy Gain is great against decks as SableLock and ChenLock.
-1 Psychic Energy
+1 Call Energy

I think three Psychic Energy is to much and Call Energy should be played in fours.
This looks like a pretty solid list nice job.
Balboa said:
- 1 Crobat G
+ 1 Energy Gain

Playing 4 Energy Gain is great against decks as SableLock and ChenLock.

I will probably test this to see if it causes any large change.

Afro-G said:
-1 Psychic Energy
+1 Call Energy

I think three Psychic Energy is to much and Call Energy should be played in fours.
This looks like a pretty solid list nice job.

I find that I almost always start with a call energy when I have 3 in the deck.
Hmm.... I just thought of something... should I do -2 Bebe's Search and +2 Pokemon Communication seeing as how when I play test this deck I almost never use a Bebe's Search. Or should I just do -1 Bebe's (to leave one to get with cyrus if I need it) and +1 Poke Comm. LMK.
I think you should go for -1 Bebe's Search because you most likely will run into some sort of trainer locking deck, and for the reason you stated above you can search for it with Cyrus.
- 3 Pokemon Communication
+ 1 Bebe's Search
+ 1-1 Dialga G LV X

And your list becomes perfect IMHO.
Balboa said:
- 3 Pokemon Communication
+ 1 Bebe's Search
+ 1-1 Dialga G LV X

And your list becomes perfect IMHO.

Wouldn't I then need to add Warp energy and Metal Energy so that dialga wouldn't just become a giant wall to myself if he got dragged out?
So is this good and should I roll to my BR's with this or is there something to change? LMK thanks. (AKA Final bump)
The list looks really good, aside from:

Switch out one Pokemon Communication for a Unown Q.

Cheers :)