Braces!!! Anyone?

I'll get mine off next year. (Thank God!)

The only thing I like about braces is that you can choose your favorite color for your braces. I have blue right now.

What color does anyone else have on their braces right now?
I get them off in August. The braces themselves don't hurt me, however, when they get tightened I feel like grinding my teeth to dust the following week. And when the wire starts stabbing you it really sucks. :[
Yeah, the wax was stupid, so I kept on poking the wire with my tongue. x_x I had black braces almost the entire two years. I'm not into the fancy color thing.

dmaster out.
I have to wires in my mouth one on the top and on the bottom. Which prevents me from eating a lot.

BeepBop: I have blue also on my braces!
i just got silver. it's not that noticeable :p. the only time i broke a brace was when i was at my grandmas for 3 months xD i also eat everything normally.
My parents had sliver braces had sliver braces when they were kids. I beginning to get use to the braces.
I use to have blue braces but now I don't have a choice of what colour I gt on them now, my orthodontist just puts silver on them now.
I had my on for a year. The day I got them on I was playing tennis against the garage door. I hit my self in the mouth, shattered half my tooth, and my brace obviously came off. After my year I started wearing a retainer. I have serious grinding issues. My doctor said it was ingrindable. Lo and behold, After 2 years I grinded through it.