Brand new and need help



Ok, so I used to play during the first set releases (base-fossil) and I have a ton of cards. I read the rulebook and think I'm suited for unlimited. Can anyone point me in the right way? Give me a how to build deck guide (for unlimited) and show me what decks are good in unlimited.

Thanks for any help

all the good unlimited decks are broken extreme combos. build something normalish and get help at a local league.eventually youll probably want to make the transition to unlimited
The Deck-Garage Forum has all you need, but you must consider "what kind of combo should I make that can shut down my opponent and storm my way to victory?" I do not play unlimited and can only give you limited advice, but I will ask you to also consider a few other things:

Lass - Trainers are the basis to all unlimited decks and Lass can immediately cut the heck off your opponents strategy, forcing them to play without the supporting cards they need.

Speed - The faster you setup => The faster you kill => the faster you win

Pokemon - THIS IS A MUST! You must consider ALL pokemon from base to up if you want to build a decent deck. Otherwise, you might miss a crucial card that could greatly help your deck.

Special Energies - This does not apply often, but there are many different energies that could help your pokemon in ways your opponent wouldn't expect.

But hey, I'm no expert.