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Brian Ha's Thread! W: Lots of Staples

the crippler 18 said:
Please CML for your...


Would you have anything from my wants list?
Those are my only wants at the moment

SotS said:
I have a Palmers, a DCE, an Oak's New Theory, and an Expert Belt.

Would you do the above for a Donphan Prime?

Sorry I wouldn't do that, would you also have any Unown R or Unown Q for trade?

Forte said:
I'm interested in both of your Gardevoir ex (one of each).

I've got:
-Palmer's Contribution x1
-Spiritomb AR x2
-DCE x1
-Pokemon Collector x1, RH x1

Not much of your wants, but feel free to check my list for anything else you might want.

1x Gardevoir ex (SS)
1x Gardevoir ex (DF)

1x Palmer's Contribution
2x Spiritomb AR

LMK, and counter if needed
1x Feraligatr Prime (pack)
1x Judge
1x Pokemon Communication (RH)
1x Pokemon Collector
1x Professor Oak's New Theory (RH)
4x Double Colorless Energy

1x Crobat G
3x Poke Turn
4x Psychic Energy (EM)
2x Psychic Energy (HP)
1x Water Energy (EM)
8x Water Energy (HP)

Let me know if that works for you. Feel free to counter.
hey i am interested in all staples neccesary for a sinlge deck
1x Rhyperior Lv X (LA)
1x Rayquaza Lv X (RR) High Want!
and some random ex cards
CML thanks!!!