geo15721 said:cml for palkia G Lv. X
kashmaster said:CML for Palkia G lv X
DarkJawa said:Please CML for Magmortar Lv X. PM me with any offers. Thanx
festizzio said:Welcome back!
Please CML for
foo895 said:CML for Charizard PK please.
darksoulSP said:How about my 4 Pokedex, 1 Bebe's Search and Shiny Duskull for your Palkia GX?
kevkev77777 said:can you cml for
kevkev77777 said:well it's incoming so I'll let you know in a few days ok?
Ampha-pwn77 said:Hey, can you CML for a Magmortar Lv.X? Just ask about RR, my list of it isn't updated.
Thank you!
festizzio said:I would trade a 1-1 Claydol GE line for the Flareon*, interested?