SotH said:CML for:
1x Typhlosion ex (UF)
1x Typhlosion ex (SS)
1x Gyarados ex (FRLG)
1x Vaporeon * (PK)
UrsaLunarMinor said:I have a regigigas FB and might have some of the staples you need (i have to check). I'm interested in your Raikou* and vaporeon*, let me know if you're interested. You can check my list but I don't have everything up yetthanks
SotH said:Skipped?
UrsaLunarMinor said:Skipped???![]()
Wishirulz said:CML for
1x Deoxys ex (#98) (DX)
1x Deoxys ex (#97) (DX)
1x Deoxys ex (#99) (DX)
1x Deoxys ex (EM)
1x Mr. Mime ex (Magic Odds) (FRLG)
1x Sharpedo ex (DX)
Greel said:CML for Magnezone Lv. X
Wishirulz said:Double check I updated my list a lot
Gyarados ex
4 Deoxys ex foms (DX and EM)
Sharpedo ex
Mr. Mime ex (odds)
Dustox ex
Ampharos ex
everything you wanted + more?
SotH said:My:
Salamence lv.X
Uxie (LA)
Gyarados EX
Vaporeon *
shadoworganoid said:Hello. will you CML for:
1x Moltres ex (FRLG)
1x Typhlosion ex (UF)
1x Metagross ex (PK)
1x Skarmory ex (PK)
1x Gyarados ex (FRLG)
1x Flygon ex (DF)
1x Claydol ex (PK)
1x Gardevoir ex (SS)
1x Altaria ex (EM)
1x Absol ex (PK)
konter_j8902 said:cml for these
1x Moltres ex (FRLG)
1x Typhlosion ex (UF)
1x Typhlosion ex (SS)
1x Vaporeon ex (DS)
1x Kabutops ex (SS)
1x Gyarados ex (FRLG)
1x Vaporeon * (PK)
1x rocket’s Sneasel ex (TRR)
1x Zapdos ex (FRLG)
1x Ampharos ex (DR)
1x Raikou * (UF)
Wishirulz said:so My:
2x Gengar #16 (Arceus)
2x Luxray (Arceus)
1x Flygon (RR)
1x Gyarados (SF)
1x Gengar (SF)
1x Expert Belt
1x Upper Energy
Gyarados ex
4 Deoxys ex foms (DX and EM)
Sharpedo ex
Mr. Mime ex (odds)
Dustox ex
Ampharos ex
BrianHa said:I'm interested in these cards from your list
gallade 4 x
machamp sf x1
gyarados sf x1
mismagius gl x1
gengar sf x1 RH
nidoqueen rr x1
flygon rr x1
salamence ar x1
garchomp sv x1
uxie stich x7 (what does stich mean)
Please formulate a trade and LMK, thanks
konter_j8902 said:most of those are gone except for gyarados and nidoqueen rr and uxie leauge promo x2
will you do
uxie x2
gyarados x1
nidoqueen rr
electabuzz reprint
charmander reprint
honchkrow x
cml for more updating list now
1x Typhlosion ex (UF) **********************
1x Typhlosion ex (SS) ************************
1x Vaporeon ex (DS) **
1x Vaporeon * (PK) *********
1x rocket’s Sneasel ex (TRR) ****************
raikou * x1********************************************
more stars =more wants