Bring Back Spelling And Grammar!

Do you want to bring back the Spelling And Grammar Rating System?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 35.7%
  • No

    Votes: 31 55.4%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 5 8.9%

  • Total voters
People would literally give you a rep if they liked you, or neg rep you if they hated you. I saw people with horrible spelling get good reps for the heck of it.
The S & G system attempted to foster better spelling and grammar. It did it's job, for about a week and then it turned into a popularity contest.

It was a failed system that shouldn't even be thought to be brought back.
WailmerMan said:
Why does bad grammar matter anyway

Grammar (and spelling) helps other members be able to read and clearly understand the writer's post. So it wouldn't cause any confusion. S/G is also good in real life when you have to write something, so it's good practice.
It would be a popularity contest, if you think of it that way. Gang up on someone and they get negative refs. DO NOT BRING IT BACK. It would be funny to bring it back for a month though...
WailmerMan said:
Why does bad grammar matter anyway

It doesn't, unless you want a job that requires you to communicate with others.
If it'll be anything like a typical rep system that other boards have, then I'ma vote against it. :/

Those things cause more problems then they're worth, and like some others have said - it'll just turn into a popularity contest. Sure, that's not it's point, but somehow that never matters. ^^;
Please god no, the reason why they got rid of it last time was because all the "cool" and "popular" people got positive reps for no reason. People say who are from a country that speak English as a second language would feel a bit... sad to say the least; they their hardest and possibly got result in them leaving the 'Beach.

Like Galefail said, surely a warning would stop them from doing bad spelling and grammer. S/G really isn't a problem in my opinion only if it's unreadable, I think that people would give negative marks just for misplacing a aprostephe or something.

This just won't work if it comes back.
I would like it if it came back, as some posts are too hard to read but as DM said above, it will not work. You can't be too strict or too nice on rules like this, you just have to let it slide. Still, if it did come back, younger members would still get an education while viewing the site, so, it could't do any harm.
Please don't make it come back I might die I have terrible SpElLiNg AnD GrAmMeR I don't think that it would be a good idea.
