Bringing Back Hydreigon


Aspiring Trainer
Unfortunately, I have yet to create a list for this deck as the idea popped into my head seconds ago. I was thinking run Hydreigons with max potions, darkrai and sableye for setup, benchtini for KK, Verizion (Emerging Powers) to deal with Keldeo, and other techs including absol, making this deck similar to the nationals winning list with KK.This deck would run almost solely on Blend GRPD and prisms, while using basic dark energy for acceleration. Thoughts? Does this idea stand a chance?
Nope, Darkrai/Hydreigon in the current meta is really weak, and takes too long to setup, even if you are running tropical beaches.
DrunkSpinda said:
Nope, Darkrai/Hydreigon in the current meta is really weak, and takes too long to setup, even if you are running tropical beaches.

Klinklang is just as slow if not slower than hydreigon IMO. Plus the only first turn power KK has is tropical beach, whereas you have sableye in any darkrai deck. This provides for a better late game if need be. Also, darkrai has the advantage of free retreat where KK has to rely on switches. Also, Hydreigon itself is a counter to many of the meta decks right now. It OHKOs blastoise, kk, and rayquaza. You also run laserbank to counter other beaches and to inflict even more damage. Hydreigon/Laser/Virbank OHKOs Keldeo, Mewtwo, Tornadus, and many more EXs.
Klinklang is a completely different deck - it becomes invulnerable to 99% of attackers after it sets up, meaning it doesn't really matter how slow it is. Heck, Klinklang can often get set up after the opponent has taken 4-5 prizes and then easily come back. Hydreigon doesn't have that kind of protection; it has no way to shield itself from the giant attackers that the metagame consists of. With there being many decks in the format that can easily OHKO Hydreigons main attackers, essentially taking away the one big advantage that Hydreigon has, I just don't think it's viable anymore. It pretty much auto loses to Blastoise and Rayeels and has real trouble with the pressure that Big Basics can put on.
Blah said:
Klinklang is a completely different deck - it becomes invulnerable to 99% of attackers after it sets up, meaning it doesn't really matter how slow it is. Heck, Klinklang can often get set up after the opponent has taken 4-5 prizes and then easily come back. Hydreigon doesn't have that kind of protection; it has no way to shield itself from the giant attackers that the metagame consists of. With there being many decks in the format that can easily OHKO Hydreigons main attackers, essentially taking away the one big advantage that Hydreigon has, I just don't think it's viable anymore. It pretty much auto loses to Blastoise and Rayeels and has real trouble with the pressure that Big Basics can put on.

Uh, I think he was talking about the old school Klinklang.

making this deck similar to the nationals winning list with KK.

In my opinion, Hydreigon is not worth the space. A lot of decks now-a-days just take the discarding effect from Max Potion, and Scramble Switch can be used for switching into surprise tech's. Klinklang PS and Blastoise are our 2 current stage 2 decks.

Klinklang works because it becomes near invincible to most decks in the format. Blastoise works because it has such great power, being able to knock out 3 EX's in 3 turns with Black Kyurem. Hydreigon doesn't tank nearly as well as Klinklang does, and abusing weakness's isn't really necessary when Black Kyurem can one shot everything - regardless of type advantage.

If you really like the concept of Hydreigon, I'd play Klinklang with Prism Energy, Darkrai EX and Keldeo EX, along with some other techs, if you so chose.

That's what I get for skimming the titles of threads >_> - Blah
DrunkSpinda said:
Nope, Darkrai/Hydreigon in the current meta is really weak, and takes too long to setup, even if you are running tropical beaches.

Heh, and we used to think Hydreigon was fast.
With Hypnotoxic Laser, Keldeo EX/Black Kyurem EX and the soon to be legal Plasma Kyurem/Deoxys EX, Hydreigon just isn't as bulky anymore.
The only way I could see this working is using Latias instead of Virizion, but even then it's shaky.
Maybe Latias EX, but Sigi will beat it any day since the only 3 usable EX pokemon (I might be missing one) with abilities are Keldeo, Darkrai, and at a slight chance maybe Deoxys.
littywitty said:
DrunkSpinda said:
Nope, Darkrai/Hydreigon in the current meta is really weak, and takes too long to setup, even if you are running tropical beaches.

Heh, and we used to think Hydreigon was fast.

It was always among the slowest decks in the meta. It was just that after it got set up well it almost always won. Now that EXes are so much easier to OHKO the benefit that Hydreigon gives is just not that much, especially compared to Blastoise who also has access to better attackers.
littywitty said:
Maybe Latias EX, but Sigi will beat it any day since the only 3 usable EX pokemon (I might be missing one) with abilities are Keldeo, Darkrai, and at a slight chance maybe Deoxys.

And Lugia. And for non-EXes, Snorlax and Sigi too.