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priestkalim said:Send in Keldeo. Kill Garchomp, since you didn't do anything about my energies on the board.
I'm open to more energy, but dropping ways to put Blastoise on the field for them is less enticing. I'd really rather not touch the Skyla and Rare Candy counts. If they're really ever dead in my hand, I discard them with Juniper or Ultra Ball, but odds are they won't be dead often.
priestkalim said:Even then, that's not an argument for adding Wartortle, that's an argument for why the deck won't work.
priestkalim said:However, having a Wartortle out or not is irrelevant of that fact.
priestkalim said:Garchomps can only be streamed efficiently until you lose three of them. Super Rod only does so much work. If we exchange KOs the way you played it out, assuming I'm not a bad player and you don't have 3 Altaria, a Pluspower, and Garchomp, you run out of attackers while I lose one attacker and a guy I can now set up at my leisure. That's one of the reasons I don't like Gartaria.
priestkalim said:Wartortle is an inefficient way to get out Blastoise.
priestkalim said:Oh, and just because I can, although it really shouldn't matter: Wartortle on the bench is 3HKOd by Darkrai. Squirtle on the bench is InfiniteHKOd by Darkrai.