BW/BW2 BrOkenICE's GiVing Away FesTival of TueZ *Updated* 1 day left

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RE: BrOkenICE's RandOm Trades

Yes, you are right.
I want a pokemon of credibility though, not a lillipup or something.
RE: BrOkenICE's RandOm Trades

Weird. I'm gonna see if I put in the right FC.
It's 2322 5547 2582 right?
RE: BrOkenICE's RandOm Trades

That's the one. Maybe I put yours in wrong.

I'm fixing to get ready for class, so can we do this later? Say, 2145(9:45pm) central time?
RE: BrOkenICE's RandOm Trades

I have time now to do the trade BrokenIce. I just forgot what you needed.
RE: BrOkenICE's RandOm Trades

Hey, I'm ready to trade whenever you are. I didn't get home until LATE last night...
RE: BrOkenICE's RandOm Trades

@ happydiamonds
any pokemon pokemon that's worth having
@ grizzly
i'm there


EDIT: your welcome Jackal
RE: BrOkenICE's RandOm Trades

I don't make clones but I'll take them.
EDIT: By the way read first post again.
RE: BrOkenICE's RandOm Trades

I can breed you either of these as a egg for that last Pokemon I need:


I am doing the same thing as you, filling my Pokedex. But I keep all the Pokemon, cause I wanna own them all ^^
RE: BrOkenICE's RandOm Trades

Sorry about that ^^;

Well since its the weekend, I'd think we can do the trade now. I will start to breed your Tepig for you sometime tonight ^^
RE: BrOkenICE's RandOm Trades

I have more pokemon available.

o[']o = rah icon
RE: BrOkenICE's RandOm Trades

Only got one. Sorry (I have to use my cousin's ds to transfer pokemon, but she's not here)

RE: BrOkenICE's RandOm Trades

out of curiosity have u listed all the pokemon u have up for trades?
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