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Bros for Life - Infernape & Victini


Go! Chandelure!
So I took a look at Victini EX from the new Set and thought about making a deck with it so here it is:

Now I know you are going to look at this and go, you get destroyed by Keldeo since your weak to water, but let's face it when yur highest HP Pokemon is 130, you get destroyed by Keldoe anyways.

Pokemon: 12
4x Victini Ex
4x Chimchar
1x Monferno
4x Infernape

Support: 13 (Don't even askk about Colres :mad: )
4x Skyla
4x Juniper
4x N
1x Random Reciever

Trainer: 24
4x Rare Candy
4x Pokemon Catcher
2x Max Potion
3x Level Ball
3x Ultra Ball
3x Energy Retrieval
2x Skyarrow Bridge
1x Super Rod
1x Victory Piece (Seemed Fitting and usually works)

Energy: 11
11x Basic Fire Energy

So, you use Victini's first attcack to power up some chimchars first turn and hopefully not have to waste your energy attachement on him so hopefully you can Skyla for your Ace-Spec or get lucky enough to draw into it. This comes into very much handy when you need to manually retreat a Chimchar that you were forced to start with, so lets hope for the best. Slso, you can get a turn one donk on Cobalion EX, Klink, or any 50 HP Basics if you can get Victory Piece on Victini and use his second attack. You then get a Rare Candy infernape and Switch to him to either start tormenting if they only have one Poke out being able to attack or use Melevolant Fire to do 120, since infernape has free retreat, you can easily free retreat into Victini again or into an already powered up infernape based on your current position.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... You might want to add Energy Switch so you can set up with Victini, switch, attach to nape, energy switch, KILL!!!! Also Skyarrow Bridge might be good for Victini if it's retreat is 1. I dunno.
Yay, yet another person who sees the power of Plasma Ape.

You are totally justified in not running Colress, I won't ask.

-1 Victini Ex. I think three is fine, especially since after your first one goes down you probably won't be using them too often.
-1 Level Ball. Since you only have 4 targets, and those targets could also be searched by Ultra Ball.
-2 Switch. Have it as an option if you want, but your pokemon have either one retreat or no retreat, so you don't need to be this heavy on the switch.

+1 Monferno. I know, I advocate just skipping the stage one in most cases too, but if it's your main attacker and a majority of your pokemon cards, then you probably should have one in case of a pinch.
+1 Ultra Ball. I feel 4/2 of Ultra/Level is good
+1 Skyarrow Bridge. Chimchar and VictiniEX have a 1 retreat cost and are both basics. Seems like a good idea to run one of these.
+1 Super Rod. For the option of recycling apes and chimchars if some are prized.

If you don't like any one of those, I also suggest adding an energy search somewhere as a skyla option.

Good luck pulling that many VictiniEXs and Infernapes, those are what I hope to pull too.
- Violet
since you have Victini in this deck, I think you could probably run mewtwo EX, it would save you from keldeo (or it would at least help) and it would improve several other matchups as well. You might also want to considered adding a couple Bianca or Cheren for some extra draw support. However I have no idea on what you should drop outside of a level ball and maybe a Victini EX because your list does seem pretty solid.
I was thinking of a deck like this. If you implement colress machine it can really help to get consecutive attacks.
an awesome set up would be
T1 Victini energizes the chimchar on bench
T2 retreat rare candy and attack for 120
T3 another fire energy and colress machine. for another 120

Everyone says infernape is no good but I see lots of potential. especially with virizion and genesect going to be major cards. It's pretty much a turn two get rid of what the opponent has to offer.
You really do not like Hypnotoxic Laser/Virbank in this deck. And you are currently running 3 Switch... So I see the 2-3 Skyarrow Bridge would be much more helpful and effective. Gives all you pokemon free retreat and gets less damage onto your monkeys from the poison laser running rampent in almost every deck.
SheNinja said:
SAB only works on Basic Pokemon...

Yeah I know... Victini and Chimchar are basic... Infernape naturally has free retreat. So SAB would allow for every pokemon in the deck to have free retreat cost.
Tyrant said:
You really do not like Hypnotoxic Laser/Virbank in this deck. And you are currently running 3 Switch... So I see the 2-3 Skyarrow Bridge would be much more helpful and effective. Gives all you pokemon free retreat and gets less damage onto your monkeys from the poison laser running rampent in almost every deck.

Woops I meant to add that along time ago. EDITED
Ill definitely be trying this deck out! Ill post some results if I get around to it.

This would have been better as a profile comment. ~alex
I was trying a variation of this with Emboar to Inferno Fandango energy onto Infernape.
Energy Retrieval is a must if you try that option.

Though instead of Victini I had Simisear from Plasma Storm as a back-up attacker.
100 for 3 Fire isn't too shabby.
it'd be near impossible to set up, but if you get the plasma chandelure out on the field with infernape you can do very well, just run some potions (even max potions) to get the counters off. If deoxys becomes a big attacker in the future i could see this taking the lead since infernape won't ever have energy on it.
Also I could see the heatran coming out fit in this deck.
I was wanting to make this deck for a while, But blaiziken from dark explorers is clearly a better card. It has 10 more HP, and can hit for 130, for 3 and you only have to discard 1. So you can start hitting fairly consistently. With infernape you might not be able to some turns. The only way i see infernape being better is because it has torment....I still like infernape but blaiziken is the better card... :/
PokeMasterJoe said:
I was wanting to make this deck for a while, But blaiziken from dark explorers is clearly a better card. It has 10 more HP, and can hit for 130, for 3 and you only have to discard 1. So you can start hitting fairly consistently. With infernape you might not be able to some turns. The only way i see infernape being better is because it has torment....I still like infernape but blaiziken is the better card... :/

With infernape you can use colress machine for more acceleration. Then again you could use plasma badge(when it comes out), but that's a lot to rely on.
PokeMasterJoe said:
I was wanting to make this deck for a while, But blaiziken from dark explorers is clearly a better card. It has 10 more HP, and can hit for 130, for 3 and you only have to discard 1. So you can start hitting fairly consistently. With infernape you might not be able to some turns. The only way i see infernape being better is because it has torment....I still like infernape but blaiziken is the better card... :/

Also, I can use Max Potion