BTS: Would it change our current format?

The Yoshi


So how do you think the format would change in the event that Broken Time-Space would be reprinted? Please try to answer these questions in your post.

1) Would Broken Time-Space give many decks a chance against the somewhat dominating Basics in this format?

2) Would you say that Stage 1/2 decks would over centralize the meta if it was reprinted?

3) Do you think BTS would be reprinted at all?

Thank you, and please provide some input!
I would love BTS in this format, however I think it would make an already dominating deck, ReshiPhlosion, even better.

On the other hand, it would also promote the use of Stage 2s. MegaJudge would be even better because you wouldn't need to worry about your Magnemite or Magneton being Catchered. You could just play Magnemite, then manually evolve all in the same turn. I don't think Stage 1/2s would dominate the format, but they'd definitely make a comeback. The only metagame deck now that doesn't use any Stage 1/2s is ZPS. Most things with Reshiram need the Stage 1/2s.

I don't think it will get reprinted, but I hope a card like it does sometime soon.
1) Oh, undeniably. Lots of cards would see more play that would normally not see play due to Basics dominating (Hm, sounds like the SP era). It'd probably give Dark Pokemon a big boost, since most of their good cards (Tyranitar Prime, Mandibuzz, Zoroark, Umbreon, etc.) are evolved. People would start playing Dark Toolbox again, which is nice.

2) No. Overcentralize isn't even a word.

3) Nope. Platinum was kind of a special set that had the Dragon Trio, which seem to all incorporate something into this card. I can't really find a way to describe this, but BTS just fit the theme of the set. I think it'd be hard to duplicate that theme in the future, even if 4th gen is remade someday.

For sure. Magnezone can get out and then get more and more Magnezones out afterwards. Gothitelle would be big too because it would be easier t get 2 Stage 2s out quickly. By adding BTS to the current meta, I personally think that the dominating basics would become tier 2 because decks like MegaZone would be able to set up turn two or three, basically eliminating ZPST's chances of early disruption. Also I think that rogue decks would become more popular. Decks like BlastZel have a better chance of doing well because the basics that used to always be knocked out before the could be evolved won't be able to be knocked out. Similarly, 4-1-3 lines would be changed too, giving more space in decks. An extra basic for just-in-case isn't needed now that a player can bench the Pokémon, then evolve it immediately. Deck like The Truth that use 3-2-2 lines can save a lot of space. However, on the opposite side, Yanmegas can come up a lot quicker being able to quickly weaken down benched Pokémon. This would mean that the player would have to keep the Oddish and Gloom in their hand to be able to take advantage of BTS while still avioding Yanmega from knocking out the Oddish. This makes decks more prone to Judge or other types of hand disruption, which isn't great for the game because whomever gets a Judge first has the advantage.

2) A lot of Stage 1/2 decks would be played in higher numbers, taking control of the meta. The main deck i see doing this is Gothitelle, Being able to use BTS to get a quick Gothitelle thus locking trainers would be devastating for an opponent, with the possiblity of the opponent not being able to set up at all is bad for the game. It would mean whoever gets out the quicker Gothitelle wins. This is bad because whoever has better cards gets out the Gothitelle, meaning whoever is luckier gets out the quicker Gothitelle. Though Gothitelle and other types of trainer lock cannot lock BTS, it would still be hard to get out evolutions without the support of useful cards like Pokémon Communication. With Gothitelle and The Truth as the best decks in format, decks like Stage 1s have no chance whatsoever. Donphan Dragons, Stage 1s, and most Stage 1 decks having an autoloss to trainer lcok, I suspect lucky is the only thing that would play a part in determining the winner. Whichever deck gets the fastest setup wins. There would be probably just three highly played decks. Magnezone variants would do well with Magnezone being able to take knockouts on attackers in trainer-locking decks, and Magnezone would probably be paired with an energy acceration that is basic or Stage 1, and consistent. I see ZoneZelPlume doing well because it can resist trainer lock. Trainer lock varients, namely Gothitelle and The Truth would also do well just because a quick trainer lock can ruin the set up of an opponent, and can ensure a victory very easily. Dragon decks have little to no chance too. ZPST has little pwer despite being able to set up turn one. With Stage 2 decks using Reuniclus being able to set up and lock ZPST from using trainers hurts ZPST, and ZPST already has problems with trainer lock in the current meta. The MegaZone matchup, probably one of ZPST best matchups currently, would be only slightly favorable because quick Magnezones messing with Zekrom causes problems. The only reason ZPST would be played is because of a meta full of MegaZone. TyRam would be able to get out a quicker Typhlosion, but if the trainer lock variant goes first ad gets out a turn two Vileplume or Gothitelle, this is a lot harder. TyRam would also possibly run out of Reshirams because Revive cannot be used. Flower Shop Lady would be the only way for Reshirams to return to the deck, but it will be a bit hard to get them back with no Pokémon Communication to get them back (though Pokémon Collector works).

Another deck I'd like to mention is Mewbox. Mewbox also gets a lot better. Mirror, like most mirrors, depends on the better start, but Mewbox would have an advantage against just about every other deck in the format! It uses Sludge Drag to drag up and knockout Reuniclus' and Vileplumes, meaning a good trainer lock matchup, and by Mass Attacking Yanmega's and Sludge Dragging Magnezones meaning a good MegaZone matchup. Aipom would also be key against MegaZone because a Magnezone with no energy can be dragged up, and then Aipom would be used to keep Magnezone from retreating. The Magnezone player has most likely used Magnetic Draw, so they would deck out. TyRam and ZPST would still be tough matchups, but would still be winnable.

3) No, no chance. BTS would ruin this meta for reasons stated above.

[/sand=glaceon] -Celebi23
1. I think so, although keep in mind that Reshiphlosion/Boar would only get better, so it would really only hurt ZPST.

2. I think that stage 1 decks in particular would win even though you would think Stage 2s would benefit more, but Stage 1s have much cheaper attacks. Turn 1 you drop a BTS and Donphan/Yanmega/Cincinno/Zoroark and OHKO something for the donk. It would make it impossible to recover from going second as you would autoloss if you go second against someone with BTS. It was extremely powerful before we have the no trainers turn 1 rule, it would make it a donk format if it were to be reprinted in this format.

3. Nope. Most of the cards we are getting reprinted in some form are from the 1st gen era because Gen 5 is a combination of Digimon and Gen 1. I don't really see BTS being reprinted since most of the cards we have gotten in gen 4 have not had a reprint so far.
I don't think BTS would help much because^, however, if a few checks were in place, I think it would be good for the format. Maybe something like, no using T1, and other things to make S1s not super dominant.
It would be awfully nice to be able to get a 1 turn vileplume. Awfully nice and also just awful.

Honestly though it really sucks how your opponent can prevent you from ever getting out a stage 2 with catcher. the format is really unbalanced in favor of basics.
Where's the point of balance here?

I don't think it's with BTS. BTS would make people happy, but I think after a few weeks, we'd all be cringing at the immense amount of Gothitelle, MagneBoar, and Vileplume. It would become almost ridiculous.

I think a better idea would be to just remove the darn Rare Candy errata and not let people use T/S/S T1. Or in other words, use the rules we did a year ago.
Oh god. That would be a huge mistake. Moreso than going LA-On a year ago (it was a year ago, right)?


It would be a mistake, because the Donks would increase a hundred-fold due to Donphan and Yanmega. Reshiphlosion and ReshiBoar would increase in populatity, mostyl ReshiBoar because all you need is a Reshiram and Emboar T1 and you most likely win. Decks would be more consistent because instead of running 4-2/3-3 and 4 Rare Candy, people would run 3-3-3 or 4-3-3 and no Rare Candy. That means that there is also more room for techs and other cards. They would be more consistent than other Stage 1 decks. ZPST wouldn't even stand a chance.


Stage 1 or 2 Decks would be played all over the place. As I said before, ZPST would just run out of steam from the Reshiphlosion and ReshiBoar being played, and Donphan/Yanmega would just Donk every other deck because of the consistent T1 Donphan/Yanmega hitting 60 or 70 T1. I think the biggest deck would be ReshiBoar because of the incredible consistency and hitting hard fast. I doubt Magnezone would be good, because it still requires alot of support because its damage is limited to the amount of energy on the field, so it would have to be paired with either Emboar or just spam Pachi. Both would still sacrifice consistency, and with Donphan getting better along with it, Donphan will laugh in Magnezone's face. Also in response to glaceon with Mewbox, Mewbox will be worse because with all of the other decks getting set up probably by T1 or T2 latest, Mewbox gets behind in prizes fast because it takes time to LZ guys. If they LZ a Muck, it will buy time, but not enough. It just falls behind in the Prize trade and loses from there. With BTS Donphan just sets another one up right away.

Gothitelle will be better than it is, because they will get set up at least a turn faster, which means less time for you to spoil the one-way lock. I can't even think of a good counter. Probably either Magby, Aipom, or Bellsprout. It would just be harder to beat. Reshiboar would be safe because of Badboar, another reason why I think ReshiBoar will be best. What it comes down to is that whoever goes first wins. Going first becomes an even bigger advantage than now.

Lets hope not.
I think it would be bad for this format. But what about a card (iether trainer or supportor) that could let you do that for 1 pokemon. c'mon now that woudnt be so bad now would it?
I'm not sure how I feel about the card being reprinted. It's a broken (<--- lol) card, so it would obviously change the format.

I like the slower nature of the format as it is, and we have viable stage 2, stage 1, and basic decks. I don't like the idea of disrupting the balance we have.

On the other hand, stage 2 decks are obviously slower than basic decks, so promoting the use of Stage 2's has the potential to slow the format down more. I do prefer the promotion of Stage 2 decks over basic decks, and basic decks did just get Evolite and will be getting more support.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they reprint BTS eventually; I just don't think it will be for awhile. If they reprint Gust of Wind and DCE, they'll do anything.

I think glaceon detailed most of the potential effects it could have, although I'm not sure I that Mewbox would gain a lot from it.
Shaymin Lv.X[/quote said:
Make it so it doesnt work on T1 and i'm fine with it.
For sure. This would help balance out the card a little bit. Kind of like the Rare Candy errata.

1) Oh, most definitely. In a format with the dominating decks the likes of Reshiram, Zekrom, and Stage 1's (with Kyurem and Durant and Cobalion most likely coming into the format), (I'll get to Gothitelle later…) Broken Time-Space seems like it would be needed in this format. We could forget the basic-winning format of the past and move on to a balanced format. One of the biggest complaints of this format I had was that we had lost the concept of evolutions in this format because we had too many fast basics. With Broken Time-Space, we could add a lot of new decks into the format, such as: Jumpluff, Samurott, Tyranitar Prime, and more.

However, there is a downside to Broken Time-Space being reprinted. Two certain decks named googlebox and Gothitelle. First, I'll explain about googlebox. googlebox is already a top-tier deck, winning with one of the best counter-deck strategies I've seen in my playing time. (Although I've only been playing since about Platinum…). With Broken Time-Space being re-introduced, it would only make the deck better, allowing for T2 Vileplume and Reuniclus, arguably faster than the deck could already set up, or at least easier.

Now, I'll get to the main problem with re-introducing Broken Time-Space: Gothitelle. It's one of the best decks in format (unfortunately), made up entirely of Stage 2's. Gothitelle and Reuniclus. The deck is already extremely fast, (it has to be, to keep up with the Dragons…), and with the introduction of BTS, it would only increase it's speed. Giving any more power to Gothitelle would be a mistake, in my opinion; we need a slower format, not a faster one.

2) No, not at all. Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Durant, and more aren't popular for no reason. They can keep up with a format. Broken Time-Space is just giving Stage 2's a chance in this fast format. Everything afore-mentioned would most certainly be able to keep up with the faster Stage 2's, and if they really became a problem, then Archeops could be used.

3) I don't think it will happen. Even though we have overpowered basics, and more to come with the release of EX Pokemon, Pokemon isn't the company to go back to old cards because the format needs it. They don't really care about the format, they just care about money. Otherwise they wouldn't have printed 180 HP basics and Evolite, would they?

In all seriousness, though, Broken Time-Space, if it were to re-enter the format, would be printed under a different name. Broken Time-Space was a card that correlated, indirectly, to Spear Pillar, and fit in well with the theme of the Platinum expansion. And so they wouldn't give older players an advantage, just like Gust of Wind to Pokemon Catcher.

[/sand=Decmaster] -Celebi23