Bubba235's 1ST Spriting Contest!

O MAN I REALLY WANT MY SCORE I JUST CANT WAIT I HOPE I DONT GET ELIMINATED!!! Just those 2, i wonder when they will be done?
There are only 2 people left so if they dont get anything in by sunday night we should do something but they probably will
Well, if they don't get it done in the next 24 hours, I will PM them and tell them to give their sprites or else...OH!...And porygonzman is going to be in the contest, but after he is unbanned. He was minimodding too much:rolleyes:
Oh, okay. Fine by me. Let's start Monday at 3:00 pm or so. I get home from school then. Or maybe 5:00 pm. But anytime before 10:00 pm during the week except Thursaday and Friday (I work)
Actually, porygonzman is just going to put his entry in his avatar spot, and then I will just judge it from there. And who are the other ones that need to get theirs in?
Okay. So we need The-Sinnoh-Champ's, pokemonrandy, and porygonzman's...CoMe On GuYs!
bubba you should PM both mebers, telling them to enter their sprites. I suggest you drop porygonzman until he's unbanned
You should pm porygonzman and he w9ill enter his sprite. Even though your banned you can still pm.
Yeah. I know you can still PM when you are banned, because we were PMing each other. And I might PM them all now...