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Standard Budget Garbodor


Aspiring Trainer
Garbodor / Weezing
Heres the strategy, use weezing with victini early game and crushing hammer, and grunts to stall enough time to get a few items in the discard, and then bring out garbodor to deal massive damage.


2x Koffing Fates Collide

2x Weezing Fates Collide

4x Trubbish GUR

3x Garbodor GUR

1x Garbodor BKP

2x Oranguru SUM

2x Victini GUR

16x Cards


4x Ultra Ball

4x Crushing Hammer

2x Enhanced Hammer

2x Super Rod

2x Switch

2x Team Flare Grunt

3x Field Blower

3x Choice Band

3x Sycamore

2x N

1x Kukui

1x Lillie

1x Team Skull Grunt

3x Altar of The Moone

33x Cards


7x Psycic Energy

4x Double Colorless Energy

11x Cards