Build A Better Format #1

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Lucario 90 HP. F
Evolves from Riolu

Every turn you may dicard 1 to 4 cards from your hand. Draw the same number of cards you discarded.

That ability would be nice.
Numel HP 50 {R}
Ability Dense:
Numel cannot use the effects of PokeTools, however if a Poketool is attached to Numel, Numel has free retreat.

{C} Dig 10
Flip a coin, if heads place any one card from your discard pile on top of your deck

Weakness: Water +10
Retreat: 2

Camerupt {R} HP 100
Ability Smooth Over:
Once during your turn, before you attack, you may search your deck for any card. Shuffle your deck and then place the selected card on top of your deck.

{R}{F} Twin Cannon 50
You may discard either a {R} or {F} energy attached to Camerupt. If you discarded a {R} energy, this attack does an additional 50 damage to the defending Pokemon. If you discarded a {F} Energy you may do 20 damage to each of your opponents benched Pokemon. Either way, Camerupt does 20 damage to itself. (In this wording the additional 20 damage can be avoided by not discarding any energy)

Weakness: Water x2
Resistance: Electric -20
Retreat: 3

Slakoth {C} HP 50
{C} Snooze 10
Both Slakoth and the Defending Pokemon are now asleep.

Weakness: Fighting +10
Retreat: 1

Vigoroth {C} HP 80
Ability Energetic Burst
Once during your turn, when your evolve a benched Slakoth to Vigoroth, you may discard a card from your hand. If you do you may switch Vigoroth with your Active Pokemon.

{C} Frenzy 10+
This attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each energy in your discard pile. Vigoroth is now confused.

Weakness: Fighting +20
Retreat: 0

Slaking {C} HP 150
Ability Crush Draw
Once during your turn, before you attack, you may discard the top card of your deck. If it is a basic energy card, you may instead attach that energy to one of your Pokemon.

{C}{C}{C}{C} Big Rush 130
Discard two energy attached to Slaking. If this attack knocked out the defending Pokemom, discard three energy.

Weakness: Fighting x2
Retreat: 4

Basically an oldschool version of Ludicargo but with some twists. The separate parts themselves aren't half bad either. Camerupt and Numel have countless possibilities. Vigoroth could become an interesting tech, and Slaking is playable.
Dialga EX (Steel) HP 180

Ability: Time Warp
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may discard your hand. Draw the same amount of cards from your deck that you discarded. You cannot attack this turn.

{M}{M}{C}{C} Time Roar: 80 Damage
Remove the top stage from your opponents active Pokemon. Shuffle that card into your opponents deck.

Palkia EX (Water) 180 HP

Ability: Spacial Distortion
Flip a coin. If heads, shuffle 1 Card from your Discard Pile into your deck. If Dialga EX is in play, put it on top of your deck instead.

{W}{W}{C}{C} Spacial Rend: 80 Damage
Before doing Damage, switch the Defending Pokemon with one of your opponents Bench Pokemon.

I think Dialga has potential.
venasour x said:
Dialga EX (Steel) HP 180

Ability: Time Warp
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may discard your hand. Draw the same amount of cards from your deck that you discarded. You cannot attack this turn.

{M}{M}{C}{C} Time Roar: 80 Damage
Remove the top stage from your opponents active Pokemon. Shuffle that card into your opponents deck.

Palkia EX (Water) 180 HP

Ability: Spacial Distortion
Flip a coin. If heads, shuffle 1 Card from your Discard Pile into your deck. If Dialga EX is in play, put it on top of your deck instead.

{W}{W}{C}{C} Spacial Rend: 80 Damage
Before doing Damage, switch the Defending Pokemon with one of your opponents Bench Pokemon.

I think Dialga has potential.

I like dialga but it should probably be
Dialga EX (Steel) HP 180

Ability: Time Warp
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may discard your hand. Draw the same amount of cards from your deck that you discarded. You cannot attack this turn.

{M}{M}{C} Time Roar: 60 Damage
Remove the top stage from your opponents active Pokemon. Shuffle that card into your opponents deck.

And palkia
Palkia EX (Water) 170 HP

Ability: Spacial Distortion
Flip 2 coins. If both are heads your opponent cannot attack during their next turn, If both are tails you cannot attack this turn.

{W}{W}{C} Spacial Rend: 70 Damage
Before doing Damage, switch the Defending Pokemon with one of your opponents Bench Pokemon.

Edit; Also they could be dragon types.
No way. An extra Juniper for every Dialga EX on your bench and no drawback? No thank you. Even as it is I feel the ability is overpowered as the wording leaves you able to use multiple Dialga per turn, AND your own supporter. I think the ability would have to end your turn after its use to be fair. In addition, compared to Dialga, Palkia's ability is extremely bad. You could scrap the coinflip and have them add it to their hand rather than deck and Dialga would still be better.

My idea:


{C} Cunning Hunter
Search your deck for one card. Show it to your opponent and add it to your hand.

Maybe include a powered up form on Weavile as well. I think a card like that could have a lot of potential is used correctly (yes, I know we have cards like that already, but they're all stage 1s and can't be used on the first turn).
Why not just have the Dialga with no drawback, but limits oyu to 1 dialga. Or, you could make it so DIalga takes up 2 bench spots.
Because then you've got a Juniper every single turn in addition to your normal supporter. its just way too overpowered. In fact, with that you don't even need supporters. Search out Dialga t1, use his ability every turn, run 0 supporters in your list. It would still be more consistent than any supporter based deck currently out because you never whiff.
How is that overpowere?. In the last format, you didn't need a ton of supporters and that was a better format than this one. Having more draw isn't broken, it just makes luck of the draw less of a factor.
Dark Void said:
Because then you've got a Juniper every single turn in addition to your normal supporter. its just way too overpowered. In fact, with that you don't even need supporters. Search out Dialga t1, use his ability every turn, run 0 supporters in your list. It would still be more consistent than any supporter based deck currently out because you never whiff.

In it's defense, it isn't really a Juniper. It's quite worse actually. Because of that, I don't really think it should end your turn or not let you attack or something like that, but I was trying to think of a different drawback like "Dialga EX may not use Time Warp next turn".
I actually think that Dialga is a really unplayable, underpowered card. Juniper is good because you can burn your hand down to one or two cards, then discard those cards for seven new cards. If you do that with Dialga, you only get one or two cards. That's terrible and pointless, especially since it ends your turn. And if you discard more cards for a bigger hand, you're probably losing resources or cards that will be important later.
How about something different?

Dialgia EX: {M} 170 HP

Ability: Time Shift
Once during your turn (before your attack) you may end your turn. If you do discard one of your opponet's pokemon EX in play (do not take any prize cards).

{M} {M} {M} Roar Of Time
Does 50 damage to each of your opponet's pokemon that is not a pokemon EX.

W: {R} R: {P}
retreat: {C} {C} {C}

Looks like fun :D

Palkia EX: {W} 170 HP

Ability: Distort Space
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may put a Item card from your discard pile into your hand an put it next to your active pokemon. During the start of your next turn, you may put it into your hand.

{W} {W} {W} {W} Special Rend 80+
Does plus 10 damage for each basic water energy attatched to this pokemon.

W: {L} R: {G}
retreat: {C} {C}
^But that Dialga has nothing to do with consistency. The Palkia looks nice though, but maybe a bit underpowered for a bench-sitting EX.
Lol, that's uh really different. Aside from being very broken, how does discard the opponent's Pokemon-EX boost your deck's consistency? And I could see Palkia creating a lot of the same problems Junk Arm created.
IMO the only things that should be recovered from the discard would be Pokemon and Energy. When you can get back almost anything, it makes the game less skill based, since there's no reason to worry about conserving resources. I'd be happy to have Dialga EX just be a very strong draw card, like a Juniper every turn without a hefty cost, like maybe your opponent draws two cards, but have it weak to Dragon. This would be a bigger drawback than any actual drawback could be, since it really makes it dangerous to use. However, this may make Garchomp/Altaria and Darkrai/Hydreigon even more dominant.
Dialga EX {DRG} 170HP basic

ability: Time capsule

once per game, you can look at your face down prize cards and then add one of them to your hand. If you do this, this card is placed on top of your prize pile instead of being discarded when it is knocked out. You cannot use this ability if you have 2 or less prize cards

Vortex Hammer 60

both players shuffle their hands into their decks. Then, each player draws cards equal to the amount in their respective prize piles.


[EX rule]

N w/damage and an improved alph liphograph FOUR that has been balanced out by dialga being prized later, if your opponent can knock it out
Celebi23 said:
I actually think that Dialga is a really unplayable, underpowered card. Juniper is good because you can burn your hand down to one or two cards, then discard those cards for seven new cards. If you do that with Dialga, you only get one or two cards. That's terrible and pointless, especially since it ends your turn. And if you discard more cards for a bigger hand, you're probably losing resources or cards that will be important later.

I didn't think of that. What if we tweaked it a little to make it a little better but using the same general concept? Maybe if we make it a Juniper, but say you can't use your Supporter for the turn or something? But then that would make playing N pointless... Or we can just make it that you are able to attack that turn. I think the general concept of Dialga has promise though.

This is hard :/
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