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Standard Buzzwole/Garb

Zygarde is trash, the whole trash, and nothing but the trash. Yeah, Sudowoodo is still better than healing, even though it was the only way of hitting 60 turns 1 and 2. But Buzzwole putting pressure on multiple Pokemon is better anyway. Also dropped Brigette for a one-of Brooklet Hill so I can fetch my guys. I wanted the 3rd Trubbish, but 2 is sufficient and I don't have the space.
Replace Zygarde-EX with Sudowoodo BKP or Zygarde FCO (the 50% form) to force the 7 prize game and to make sure you don’t have to just scoop to Hoopa/Alolatales. I agree, Zygarde is trash. Other than that, list is solid.
Agree on the need for Sudowoodo (though not because of Hoopa or Alolatales, which are handled by garbotoxin ;)). Zygarde-EX is the only way you have a chance to win against the possible return of Espeon/Garb that a lot of players have been warning of.

Most players recognize Manegizone as the flat out strongest deck in the game as of ULP. The ONLY way we have to stop it right now is Garbotoxin, and the only good garb deck out there right now is Buzz/Garb. Since a lot of players are very turned on to Buzz/Garb, there will always be that guy saying "Yeah buzz/garb is totally the play right now, you should totally play it at the next event!" as he prepares his counterdeck.
Agree on the need for Sudowoodo (though not because of Hoopa or Alolatales, which are handled by garbotoxin ;)). Zygarde-EX is the only way you have a chance to win against the possible return of Espeon/Garb that a lot of players have been warning of.

Most players recognize Manegizone as the flat out strongest deck in the game as of ULP. The ONLY way we have to stop it right now is Garbotoxin, and the only good garb deck out there right now is Buzz/Garb. Since a lot of players are very turned on to Buzz/Garb, there will always be that guy saying "Yeah buzz/garb is totally the play right now, you should totally play it at the next event!" as he prepares his counterdeck.
But at the same time, it's hard to counter a deck that consistently ability locks, and sets up to do MASSIVE damage by the 2nd turn. I'm honestly not scared of EspyGarb. If they bench Eevee, Guzma into a Buzzwole can KO an Eevee while chipping at Espeon or Trubbish. And Sudowoodo is MVP, I freaking love that card. Yeah, I was playing Zygarde as a way to hit 60, which became almost irrelevant, since it's useless throughout the rest of those games, and it's one more energy not going to Buzzwole.
I know I said Sudowoodo is MVP, but Absorption is true MVP. KO-ing literally anything if I have 5 or 6 prizes left(of course factoring in Choice Band/Stronk) and 4 prizes being an equivalent of Knuckle Impact is awesome! I actually don't like Dusk Mane as a deck. If I keep it under any sort of lock, be it ability, items, or low hands, then it sits there and passes. If I kill Magnemites, it sits there and passes. If I kill Dusk Manes at a better pace than they can handle, they sit there, and pass. Haven't sat down with a decent player and tested it though, so this is total bias. I think Buzzwole Garb puts pressure on the whole format without much stopping it. I also really like the consistency Cynthia brings to Garb decks.
I've been playing the Buzzwole-GX/Garbodor list that took 8th place at Sydney last weekend and so far I'm 5-0 with it online. Not a great sample size by any means but the deck has ran very smooth. I do like having the option of getting huge OHKOs with Trashalanche, but I can see how your list is more consistent due to not having to rely on Rainbow Energy. I'll have to try your list out.

How do you feel about a 1-1 Carbink Break line? Having another option to accelerate Energy onto Buzzwole-GX is solid.
I considered it, but because of how fast it can go without it, and because Energy is rarely a problem, I wouldn't really want it in the list. I very consistently get a T2 Absorption GX/ Knuckle Impact, and a T3 Garbotoxin with 4-5 Energy in play going back into my opponent's turn. Bit if you did want Carbink Break, then you would drop a Buzzwole and Brooklet Hill/Energy.
As far as I know, Frank Percic's Sydney list was mostly oriented at Jet Punch, but having Carbink Break as a way to set up Knuckle Impact. It's good, but it really doesn't suit my play style, which is simply "Max Elixir, do lots of damage, throw in Garb/Enhanced Hammer/Healing to throw my opponent off, and worry about micro plays".
It's a scrubby play style, but whenever I play like that, I always do well. It's also really easy to be consistent with decks in this play style, which is also why I love this list <3
Maybe running more brooklet hill or 1 brigette is the way to go so you can start with a strong start as you run only 1 brooklet hill.
Maybe running more brooklet hill or 1 brigette is the way to go so you can start with a strong start as you run only 1 brooklet hill.
Actually, I dropped Brigette because it was, quite frankly, terrible. I strongly disliked using my first turn supporter setting up my field with Pokemon, mainly because, other than Garb, they're all basics. And I only need 1 Garb on the field at a time.
About the second Brooklet Hill: I personally don't care for it, actually, the original list ran none. I do like the card though just to get a Sudowoodo and Buzzwole out of nowhere, but there are a lot of decks that don't have any stadium to replace Brooklet Hill (or Parallel City for that matter), so and they want to save Field Blowers for Garb. And there's also quite a few decks that run Brooklet Hill themselves. I do really enjoy the thought of 2, but there are a couple things I need to keep in mind:
Buzzwole and Sudowoodo are our only possible targets for Brooklet Hill. And playing 4 Buzzwole, I'm bound to draw into them eventually, I can Ultra Ball for it, and I have about a 44% (4/9)chance at starting it.
I actually may even drop the 1 copy for a Nest Ball, so I can get Trubbish too. IDK. I'll see later today, since I'm playing this same 60 in a league challenge. If I had to guess, there will either be around 7-11 masters because It's not a league cup, so therefore don't care about it. Or around 30 people, because there hasn't been a league cup this quarter and isn't going to be for the next few weeks.