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BW-on Darkrai EX deck

Which is a better BW-on Darkrai deck?

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Aspiring Trainer
Since I'm not going to natz or worlds, I decided to focus on a BW-on deck.

3x Darkrai EX DE
3x Hydreigon (Dragons EXalted)**
1x Zweilous NV
3x Deino NV
1x Shaymin EX NX
2x Sableye DE

4x Professor Juniper
3x N
3x Bianca/Cheren
4x Pokemon Catcher
2x Random Receiver
3x Rare Candy
3x Max Potion
4x Dark Patch
3x Dark Claw
4x Ultra Ball
2x Heavy Ball

4x Blend Energy GRPD
8x Darkness Energy

*Emolga – Lightning – HP70
Basic Pokemon

[C] Call for Family: Search your deck for two Basic Pokemon and put them onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward.
[L] Static Shock: 20 damage.

Weakness: Lightning (x2)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 0

**Hydreigon – Dragon – HP150
Stage 2 – Evolves from Zweilous

Ability: Dark Trance
As often as you like during your turn (before your attack), you may move a Darkness Energy attached to 1 of your Pokemon to another of your Pokemon.

[P][D][D][C] Dragon Blast: 140 damage. Discard 2 Darkness Energy attached to this Pokemon.

Weakness: Dragon (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 3
I believe that next format darkrai will still be good, but the only variant that will truly shine is darkrai/hydregion at which case it would look something like this:

Pokemon: 13

3-1-3 Hydreigon
3 Darkrai EX
2 Sableye DE
1 Shaymin EX
1 Minncino ND

Supporters/Trainers: 35

4 N
3 Professor Juniper
3 Bianca
4 Max Potion
4 Dark Patch
3 Pokemon Catcher
3 Rare Candy
3 Ultra Ball
2 Level Ball
2 Eviolite
2 Random Receiver
1 Super Rod

Energy: 12

8 Darkness Energy
4 Blend Energy [D][P][G][R]

of course if you want to run darkrai/tornadus that's fine, but I would maybe drop recycle for something like level ball and mincinno outside of that, your list looks pretty good ^^
The Pikachu Mafia said:
I believe that next format darkrai will still be good, but the only variant that will truly shine is darkrai/hydregion at which case it would look something like this:

Pokemon: 13

3-1-3 Hydreigon
3 Darkrai EX
2 Sableye DE
1 Shaymin EX
1 Minncino ND

Supporters/Trainers: 35

4 N
3 Professor Juniper
3 Bianca
4 Max Potion
4 Dark Patch
3 Pokemon Catcher
3 Rare Candy
3 Ultra Ball
2 Level Ball
2 Eviolite
2 Random Receiver
1 Super Rod

Energy: 12

8 Darkness Energy
4 Blend Energy [D][P][G][R]

of course if you want to run darkrai/tornadus that's fine, but I would maybe drop recycle for something like level ball and mincinno outside of that, your list looks pretty good ^^

I was thinking about this deck, thats why its in the poll, because I wanted to know which one was better.
imo darkrai/hydregion will be both better, and cheaper, it won Japan's nats and you can get hydregion in the theme deck + the darkrai in tins, which makes the deck super cheap to build :)
FYI, it is not the Japanese Nationals rather it was the Spring Battle Carnival. By calling it Nationals you will mislead a lot of people into the wrong direction for information. Also, the Hydreigon theme deck was reported to have the wrong card displayed and it should have the Hydreigon from the Japanese theme deck.

Both variants of Darkrai EX (Hydreigon or any other attackers) will be good. The Hydreigon version will be more of prize rejection and chipping down your opponent with Darkrai EX. While any other Darkrai EX will depend on what you combo with it. They can range from straight attackers like Tornadus EX, Mewtwo EX, and such. They can also range from counter attackers like Terrakion, Bouffalant BW5, and such.

Sorry, I don't know what to really change for your deck as I haven't tried any Darkrai EX variants myself. So, try to focus more on consistency and your strategies to see what changes you can make yourself. =]
So this is basically Darkrai/Sableye/Hammers. I'd suggest dropping the Mincinno/Emolga and the SAB, and maybe a DCE for 3 Battle City and 2 Dark Claw. I'd also drop a Juniper for an extra Enhanced Hammer.

Mincinno: Ultra ball should be able to net you all the KOs you need. These 2 are also easy prizes late game.
SAB: does nothing for you. Darkrai gives you free retreat anyway/
DCE to make room

Battle City: you need some stadiums, and it's more useful than SAB
Dark Claw: Darkrai should always run at least 3, possibly 4
Enhanced hammer: with Blend running rampant, this will be even more useful.
RestlessBob said:
FYI, it is not the Japanese Nationals rather it was the Spring Battle Carnival. By calling it Nationals you will mislead a lot of people into the wrong direction for information. Also, the Hydreigon theme deck was reported to have the wrong card displayed and it should have the Hydreigon from the Japanese theme deck.

Both variants of Darkrai EX (Hydreigon or any other attackers) will be good. The Hydreigon version will be more of prize rejection and chipping down your opponent with Darkrai EX. While any other Darkrai EX will depend on what you combo with it. They can range from straight attackers like Tornadus EX, Mewtwo EX, and such. They can also range from counter attackers like Terrakion, Bouffalant BW5, and such.

Sorry, I don't know what to really change for your deck as I haven't tried any Darkrai EX variants myself. So, try to focus more on consistency and your strategies to see what changes you can make yourself. =]

eh, it's probably just as hard to win as nats due to the difference in our tournament structure and their high quality players. A better word would be he won a "Worlds Qualifty" tournament I suppose... :/

as for the theme deck, idk but I think it's going to be the good hydregion and even if it isn't we still have the darkrai EX tin to make the deck dirt cheap.
Darkrai takes a huge hit in speed in the next format. The reason why Darkrai is so playable right now is that its the strongest darkness pokemon out right now IIRC, as no other dark pokemon can hit for 90, and has energy acceleration in the form of Dark Patch. Dark Patch can't be targeted with Catcher and can be reused with Junk Arm. The current strategy with Darkrai is to manual attach an energy, use smeargle's portrait or just have blind luck to get a dark patch, junk arm for a second usage of Dark Patch, ultra ball if you haven't pulled Darkrai yet and a few Dark energies to throw away with Junk arm, Juniper or Ultra Ball. You can apply a lot of early pressure with Darkrai, it 2HKOs nearly every non-eviolited EX in the format and has the spread factor.

Things aren't the same with the next format. The loss of Junk Arm hurts Darkrai the most because it becomes more and more difficult to get the first turn attack. Speed Darkrai is affected in that it needs to wait until turn two for its attack because it has to waste a turn attacking with Sableye first. Hammertime Darkrai loses out because most of its Junk Hunt attempts will be used to get back patches, not hammers. Darkrai Tornadus is still strong, but suffers from similar losses in comparison to speed Darkrai. All of these decks can't one shot ace spec black Kyurem or one-shot Gartaria or RayEels, so arguably the best Darkrai deck next format will be Darkrai/Hydreigon. It's a much better version of Klingklang EX because of energy acceleration and can attack for 140, KOing all dragon types.

I have few suggestions for your list. I definitely think your supporter line should resemble 4 Juniper, 4 N and 3 Bianca a little more. Also, Hammers Darkrai can't utilise DCE as well as Darkrai/Tornadus can, I understand it's in there for Tornadus though it is largely unnecessary, the space is better used for something else. I wouldn't worry too much about fighting match ups, Hammers Darkrai does well already and they won't be as popular in the next format. Also, try the new Blend Energies (GFPD) in place of DCE. It allows for more versatile pokemon to be included such as Siglyph and Shaymin.
You need a better line of search rather than just 1 Minccino ND, look towards Emolga, it works 3x as good.

The pokemon line should look something like:

3 Hydreigon
1 Zwielous
3 Deino
3 Darkrai EX
3 Smeargle
1 Shaymin EX
1 Sigilyph Dragons (Has the ability)

Supporters should be:
4 Juniper
4 N
3 Bianca

Just start making the list around using Max Potion. this will really help.
Bianca is an extremely situational supporter. In most cases, cheren will be better. So I recommend 4 Juniper, 4N and 3 Cheren. In fact, just run 4 Receiver, 4 Juni and 4 N. But that's me personally.
Martini said:
You need a better line of search rather than just 1 Minccino ND, look towards Emolga, it works 3x as good.

The pokemon line should look something like:

3 Hydreigon
1 Zwielous
3 Deino
3 Darkrai EX
3 Smeargle
1 Shaymin EX
1 Sigilyph Dragons (Has the ability)

Supporters should be:
4 Juniper
4 N
3 Bianca

Just start making the list around using Max Potion. this will really help.

yeah sorry if I mislead anyone, emolga is way better than minncino, just didn't know about it until recently....