..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757- -CLOSED FOR VACTION-

RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. →Now Hiring←

Roa did you see what I asked? If not I asked if the banner could be a bit smaller, sorry for not putting the size in the request Sad.
Uh, like how much smaller?

And @Lilsparks:

Stock/Image: Link
(Can you use these? If not, then I'll take any picture you give me.)
Size: 500x150
Artist: Roa
Text: The Samurai Otter Clan (Above the three Pokemon in Dark Blue)
Avatar: No
Colors: I would like the background in Sky Blue.
Other: I would like this image behind whichever Pokemon you put in the middle. Link Oh, and could you put two tidal waves facing outwards on each side of the banner, behind the left and right Pokemon?
This is just an empty space in the form that has no use: "Lions make you brave"

Avatar form:
Stock/Image: Ukele pichu
Artist: Jayj4 ( haha, got it right!)
Text: Pokemon Ranger 3!!!
Other:make it good, make it epic.
Stock/Image: Eevee Pikachu Absol (Sugimori)
Size: Whatever makes the Pokemon fit best
Artist: Anybody, Roa preferably (If you aren't busy)
Text: Team Eon Spark (In Big Letters)
We Stick Together (In smaller letters)
Avatar: Yes
Colours: Brown, Yellow, and Black
Other: A Soft, furry like BG behind Eevee, an Electric, shocking BG behind Pikachu, and a Dark, spooky BG behind Absol. But make them sorta blend together between each Pokemon. Sorta like a gradient of BGs
This is just an empty space in the form that has no use: Gee gee Gee
Stock/Image: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3430/3383512651_375048b7bd_m.jpg
Size: I want it bigger, but not too big. It's for a group
Artist: Roa
Text: The Kingdom Hearts Club of Awakening
Avatar: No
Colours: I don't really care, but I'd like the image to be prominent in the banner
Other: Since this is for a group, I might not put it in my banner. But, I probaby will. yeah
This is just an empty space in the form that has no use:
Stock/Image: Poochyena and Skitty
Size: 125x125
Artist: Roa
Text: Friends Forever
Avatar: Yes
Colours: Light Blue
Other: can it be in a field
Gee Gee Gee
Stock/Image: Pokabu, Enbuoo, Chiraami
Size: Default
Artist: Roa
Text: Burin' it up
Avatar: Yes
Colours: Fire, red, gold.
Other: Nope!
This is just an empty space in the form that has no use: Lions make you brave
Size: As large as my current 1
Artist: Roa
Text: rockinpikachu
Avatar: Yes
Colours: Blue and green
Other: Make this one one of your best, (just like my older 1). Can you try and render the pikachu in the photo?
It should look like just a Black and White Pikachu within the Blue and Green background
This is just an empty space in the form that has no use: Lions Make you Brave
Stock/Image: Daikenki
Artist: Anybody that can
Text: Daikenki, the Dignity Pokemon (In Dark Blue)
Other: I would like the background in sky blue.
This is just a part of the form that has no use: Lions Make You Brave
I think that's it.

WE NEED TO ADVERTISE MORE. MUAHHAHAHA. /laughs mechanically and evil. (asides, if you work here, you might want to put some link in your siggy, just saying... D: )

So yea, I think that's all. D: And most of them are for me, so yea. >.<

@pokemaister899: K, got it. :3
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. →Now Hiring←


Is that better?

Here is the code:

Anything else sir? :p

Woah Roa, you got alot of work to do :p
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. →Now Hiring←

Yes, Jay, Yes I do. ;______;
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. →Now Hiring←

Stock/Image: No Pokemon, I just want the image to have two sides to it, one that looks like it's dusk and another image on the other side of the banner that looks like it's dawn (kind of like background images).
Size: Default, please!
Artist: lilsparks101, if possible.
Text: Pokemon: Dusk and Pokemon: Dawn on each side where the images are representing dusk/dawn. If possible, please make the text in the Pokemon font.
Avatar: Yes, if possible.
Colours: Anything goes, as long as it looks like dusk on the left and dawn on the right.
Lions make you brave :p

Thank You!
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. →Now Hiring←

Avatar form:
Stock/Image: Meguroko
Artist: Jayj4
Text: Mega Rocka
Other: If you'd make it swiftly I'd be pleased.

I wasn't sure I need to put Lions make you Brave anywhere, as it didn't see the slot. In any case, you now know I've read the rules.
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. →Now Hiring←

@jayj4, that is sexy. now for a more challenging one:
Sprite Fusion:
Pokemon No.1:kabutops
Pokemon No.2:scyther
Pokemon No.3 (optional) :gallade
Pokemon No.4 (optional) :
Colour Scheme (State a pokemon or colours) : a comob of scyther and gallade's colors
This space in the form has absolutely no use whatever so ever:Lions make you brave
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. →Now Hiring←

Sorry SpamBot, I don't do avatars or signatures now, you'll have to ask Roa, lilsparks or aggie.
Geez Shadow Arceus, that is challenging O_O
*sigh* I'm on it :p Should be done by Tuesday (I HOPE).....
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. →Now Hiring←

Roa, my banner can wait for now. I want to use another banner that somebody else is making this week for Smallville's 200th episode.
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. →Now Hiring←

Stock/Image: Basically the image/pokemon you want us to use. (Max of three pokemon here): Psyduck riding on top of a vileplume
Size: default
Artist: Roa
Text: none
Avatar: No
Colours: Any specific colour scheme? Kind of dark in the back, but light in the front, as if the vileplume is saving the psyduck from the darkness
Other: Anything else that doesn't belong in any space up here? Make sure that the lines arent sharp, and everything is sort of mixed, but not so much that you cant make out shapes.
This is just an empty space in the form that has no use: Lions Make You Brave

Thanks a ton!
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. →Now Hiring←

Also I need a banner too sorry

Stock/Image: Basically the image/pokemon you want us to use. (Max of three pokemon here) Edit: Please, don't put banner or signature here. that doesn't help- at all. :Typhlosion, Charizard, and Houndoom
Size: Default or specify (click for default):Default
Artist: lilsparks101
Text: What would you like it to say? Or none at all?: PokeScorch.com Your No.1 Pokemon News source!
Avatar: Yes/No No
Colours: Any specific colour scheme?: Make it in a "fiery" color scheme.
Other: Anything else that doesn't belong in any space up here?: Please make it look great :D
This is just an empty space in the form that has no use: You already know I read the rules but, "Lions make you brave"
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. →Now Hiring←

Stock/Image: Mijumaru (this one) http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/150/f/2010/247/5/7/mijumaru_line_art_by_michy123_by_joalsses-d2y1cgc.png the one that you enlarged was perfect but maybe a little bit smaller.
Size: Default.
Artist: Roa.
Text: Mijmaru pwns you.
Avatar: No.
Colours: Light blue I guess
Other: Nope!
This is just an empty space in the form that has no use: Lions make you brave.

Was the Lions make you brave part the missing thing?
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. →Now Hiring←

@ the 1st request directed for me, yeah just give me a little while to find the most suitable stocks for it.

@the 2nd request directed for me, I'll try but I usually don't do to well with multiple pokemon, but in this case they're close enough so eh.
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. →Now Hiring Sprite Artist←

Stock/Image: Basically the image/pokemon you want us to use. (Max of three pokemon here): Psyduck riding on top of a vileplume
Size: default
Artist: Roa
Text: none
Avatar: No
Colours: Any specific colour scheme? Kind of dark in the back, but light in the front, as if the vileplume is saving the psyduck from the darkness
Other: Anything else that doesn't belong in any space up here? Make sure that the lines arent sharp, and everything is sort of mixed, but not so much that you cant make out shapes.
This is just an empty space in the form that has no use: Lions Make You Brave
I'mmma need a link for the stock dear.
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. →Now Hiring Sprite Artist←

Was my request good this time Roa?
I think I did it correctly this time.
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. →Now Hiring Sprite Artist←

Signatures/Banner Form:

Stock/Image: Skarmory/Aggron
Size: 425x125
Artist: Anybody
Text: Steel Brothers
Avatar: yes
Colours: Blue and Black
Other: Shadow background
Lions make you brave
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. →Now Hiring Sprite Artist←

uh, Roa, not to be impatient but have you gotten my request for the Ukelele Pichu yet? It's been a bit more than two weekas and yes, it is for you, not Jayj4. Sorry if i'm troubling you.


RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. →Now Hiring Sprite Artist←

You wanted me to do it instead of J?

I think I did it correctly this time.

Stock/Image: Skarmory/Aggron
Size: 125x125
Artist: Roa
Text: Steel Brothers
Avatar: yes
Colours: Blue and Black
Other: Shadow background
Lions make you brave
Uh, like 125x125 is avatar size. you sure you want it that small?