..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757- -CLOSED FOR VACTION-

RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::..

Ahhh, sorry Ice_Master, I forgot to give you your badge :S
Here they both are(I made to just in case :p):


http://i53.tinypic.com/xnb0hl.png (1st one)
http://i55.tinypic.com/2po74th.png (2nd one)

Sorry I was so late =/
Hope you like them, if you don't just tell me
^Yeah it was Pokenerd ;)
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::..

My current pending requests:

Stock/Image: Eevee Pikachu Absol (Sugimori)
Size: Whatever makes the Pokemon fit best
Artist: Anybody, Roa preferably (If you aren't busy)
Text: Team Eon Spark (In Big Letters)
We Stick Together (In smaller letters)
Avatar: Yes
Colours: Brown, Yellow, and Black
Other: A Soft, furry like BG behind Eevee, an Electric, shocking BG behind Pikachu, and a Dark, spooky BG behind Absol. But make them sorta blend together between each Pokemon. Sorta like a gradient of BGs
This is just an empty space in the form that has no use: Gee gee Gee

This is just an empty space in the form that has no use:
Stock/Image: Poochyena and Skitty
Size: 125x125
Artist: Roa
Text: Friends Forever
Avatar: Yes
Colours: Light Blue
Other: can it be in a field
Gee Gee Gee

Stock/Image: Pokabu, Enbuoo, Chiraami
Size: Default
Artist: Roa
Text: Burin' it up
Avatar: Yes
Colours: Fire, red, gold.
Other: Nope!
This is just an empty space in the form that has no use: Lions make you brave

Stock/Image: Mudkip next to my username in the text (recolored orange, if possible), Mijumaru using water gun and Mijumaru using shell blade Link here
Size: Default
Artist: lilsparks101 or roa
Text:(Bold text here is what I actually want in the sig) Samurai of the Deep and OrangeMudkip with the Mudkip sprite next to it.
Avatar: No
Colours: Any specific colour scheme? Nope
Other: Make it how you like it.
This is just an empty space in the form that has no use: Lions make you brave

Images:Renders: Porygon, Porygon2
Size: Default or specify (click for default)
Artist: Roa
Avatar: Yes
Colours: Gold and Blue.
Other: Anything else that doesn't belong in any space up here?
This is just an empty space in the form that has no use: Apparentoy Lions Make you brave.

Stock/Image: This image please...
Size: Default
Artist: Roa
Text: Twilight's got nothin' on me!
Avatar: Yes
Colours: Black and Purple
Other: N/A
This is just an empty space in the form that has no use: "Lions make you brave"

Stock/Image: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=81420&pid=1739832#pid1739832
Size: I don't really care, probably the same size as the one you did that said, "Kingdom Hearts Club of Awakening"
Artist: Roa
Text: Pokemon Granite and Cumulus
Avatar: Yes, if you can
Colours: Perhaps, Orange/Red/Yellow
Other: If you can't fit all of those sprites, take some out that you don't really think are necessary
This is just an empty space in the form that has no use: Lions make you brave

RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::..

since i have no requests now, if you want to pass anything to me go ahead..but i might reject it though...=]
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::..

Stock/Image: Eevee Pikachu Absol (Sugimori)
Size: Whatever makes the Pokemon fit best
Artist: Anybody, Roa preferably (If you aren't busy)
Text: Team Eon Spark (In Big Letters)
We Stick Together (In smaller letters)
Avatar: Yes
Colours: Brown, Yellow, and Black
Other: A Soft, furry like BG behind Eevee, an Electric, shocking BG behind Pikachu, and a Dark, spooky BG behind Absol. But make them sorta blend together between each Pokemon. Sorta like a gradient of BGs
This is just an empty space in the form that has no use: Gee gee Gee

Stock/Image: Pokabu, Enbuoo, Chiraami
Size: Default
Artist: Roa
Text: Burin' it up
Avatar: Yes
Colours: Fire, red, gold.
Other: Nope!
This is just an empty space in the form that has no use: Lions make you brave



Sorry I got /realllly/ carried away with this. ;~;

It's not completely fixed yet, though, my ps. >: I really would like the two requests above to be taken though...
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::..

ill try this....

Stock/Image: Pokabu, Enbuoo, Chiraami
Size: Default
Artist: Roa
Text: Burin' it up
Avatar: Yes
Colours: Fire, red, gold.
Other: Nope!
This is just an empty space in the form that has no use: Lions make you brave
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::..

Is my request really on the bottom of the list right now?
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::..

FatalAeroX said:
since i have no requests now, if you want to pass anything to me go ahead..but i might reject it though...=]

Can you do this request for me then?

Off topic to FatalAero: I need you on PokeScorch!
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::..

^sure thing but i dont really get your request...so you just want me to put all of them on the fire and moonlight background? with 'The adventure begins at PokeScorch.com!' on them?

dont know whose is this but..


RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::..

@ The Shop: I will be releasing a new type of spriting to the shop every 3 days, and if not every 3 at most a week. Or less than three. Put it this way, new spriting is on the way. Now here is the list, PM me your vote for a new sprite. (Roa please have everyone vote, you, employees, Customers, everyone. If you could put like please see post #757 or whatever, that would be nice. :]

The List:

  • Fossil
    Animated Infernos
    Pillow Shaded
    Animated PS
    Then just about anything you see in any of my old shops; that does not include scratch! Please send in your vote!
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::..

@roa, is my request for a banner from 2 weeks ago on anybody's list?!
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::..

Hello everyone. Before I post my humble request, I'd just like to say that there are some very talented artists working for this shop, and I hope you continue to serve Pokebeach artistically. Great job! And finally, here's my request:

(Avatar Form)
Image: I hope this works...
Artist: Anyone who's free to work on avatars
Text: (None)
Other: Honestly, I just need this a bit smaller with a good background.
This is just an empty space in the form that has no use: "Lions make you brave"

I hope this is all up to speed. Thanks!
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::..

^ill do it..

@SA: which one is yours?

EDIT: done it SL



hope you like it..