..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757- -CLOSED FOR VACTION-

RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

Stock/Image: Basically the image/pokemon you want us to use. (Max of 2 pokemon here): Could you do a render in the the banner??, Here is the form...
Image (link): http://pokebeach.com/scans/ex-deoxys/104-sharpedo-ex.jpg
Anything else? (any other info?): Nope
This part of the form has no use whatsoever: ... Yay?

Size: Default or specify (click for default): Default.

Text: I would like it to say "Sharpedo" in really cool writing

Avatar: No

Colours: Black and Dark Blue

Other: Ummmm...

This is just an empty space in the form that has no use: Woop?

Thanks so much if you can do it and don't worry if you can't!
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

I could do /totally/ that. Just read the rules. You're missing something. :3
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

Avatar form:
Stock/Image: http://files.playstatic.com/playstation-3-hardware/sixaxis-controller-2.jpg http://www.walyou.com/img/xbox-360-controller-recovers-stolen-console.jpg http://www.wiiprojects.org/Bluetooth/WiiMote.jpg
Text: No text please
Other: If you can do Gif can you make them go one after the other
A few notes about the form: Stock/Image, is not telling me you want a signature. It means you tell me what pokemon you want me to use, or what image you want me to use. If you want me to use, let's say a picture of Orlando Bloom in it, you'd state it up there, in the "Stock/Image catagory" (for non-pokemon links, I'd reaalllllllyy love a link)
Please note we do really appreciate links for Gen 5 pokemon.
You do not need to fill out the avatar form if you want a matching avatar to your banner/signature, as there is a space in the banner asking if you would like a matching one or not.

And Lions make you brave, and could Roa do it?
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

Sorry, I just don't think that Lions make you brave :p + could Roa do it?
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

Hey Roa, I just wanted to know how progress was coming on my request.
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

I'll start it after I finish OrangeMudkips.

Sorry about the lateness- again. [As I said my PS was malfunctioning for a week or so there..] I'll get to it today~
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

Do you want me to give you the render for Toatali's request?? (if you haven't already done it)
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

Soo... did my latest request go through or something? I kind of need it right now, and its not that hard.
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

Soo basically you need me to make them animated so it flashes the first one, then the second,then the third, and then repeats indefinitely?
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-


RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

Thanks its epic. :D Oh and I will be using this on other forums I am on.

EDIT: Wait can you make it 100X100?
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

Hopefully this is good enough:

If it isn't just tell me ;)
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-


RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

Avatar form:
Stock/Image: Tyranitar/Nidoking--try to do both if possible
Text: Tyraniking
Other: Lions make you brave, have fun, and do your best!
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

Hey no problem. I'm glad you like it. <3