General c

Government is supposed to be an entity of limited power, not an arbiter for what we should all be doing in our lives. The republic was established on over a thousand years worth of political, social, and moral philosophies. The only people who really march down the streets these days, with a couple of exceptions, are pushing out ideas that are counter to the principals of the republic and whose utterances have caused the deaths of millions of people. Remember the temptation of power: when you're asking your government to come in and dictate how to do something do you think they'll be nice and go away when its over?

Most people don't think that though. They think they have no power at all to make change. All we need is a good nationwide protest to make some change.
Most people don't think that though. They think they have no power at all to make change. All we need is a good nationwide protest to make some change.

That's a failure of the society and the culture to celebrate and uphold itself. Why the US, Canada, and Western European countries have a problem with being themselves is confusing at best and sinister at worst. All these places had a foundation of freedom and self-determination, but somehow people have gotten complacent and let it erode and decay. Japan doesn't have this kind of problem, and neither do many Eastern European countries. People should be taught, like they once were, that government is not the answer to all their problems.
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That's a failure of the society and the culture to celebrate and uphold itself. Why the US, Canada, and Western European countries have a problem with being themselves is confusing at best and sinister at worst. All these places had a foundation of freedom and self-determination, but somehow people have gotten complacent and let it erode and decay. Japan doesn't have this kind of problem, and neither do many Eastern European countries. People should be taught, like they once were, that government is not the answer to all their problems.

Yeah, and what you said couldn't be anymore true. I believe this comes from a number of reasons. Our government is very religious (Christian to be specific) and very rich. I know people will say this has nothing to do with anything but it is true. The religious tend to be "for" one another, which is why a person like Trump, who is scientifically illiterate can win an election over someone like Bernie Sanders, who was for the people and wants change. Our government is too money focused and the only way to sit in a room with someone to even get their attention is to drop a 10k donation.

I really do wish this is something that could change but I don't ever expect it to, which is sad because we shouldn't still have school shootings. The NRA throws a ton of money at lawmakers to prevent this from ever being addressed. Hell, their answer to school shootings is to just arm the teachers. More guns never solves the issues of guns.
Bernie Sanders, who was for the people and wants change

I'm 100% down for that. The sport of archery is very elegant and fun.

I would make the law that all guns are to be replaced by bows and arrows. Handguns become tiny bows. Semis become long bows. I'm being somewhat facetious, for the record
All teachers should be given minecraft bows and arrows. that would stop any school shooting...