Call of Duty: Bulletproof Soldiers

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So guys, as you all know we are all part of a clan. With that said, we need a CLAN tag for our ever so special clan. We have some good players and some not good players, but I have a feeling that if we make small groups of our clan members (with mixtures of good and bad players), we can achieve a state where nobody is bad at the game.

So, what do you guys want our clan tag to be? Voice your opinions!

And here is where I am currently. I am Rank 55 3rd Prestige and am currently playing with the FAL. I've already mastered it, but still using it because it's great. I've also played SnD and hardcore SnD lately. Been doing pretty well there.
red blastoise said:
^^Whats wrong with commando then?

It's just not realistic. Jumping ten feet to stick a knife in someone's chest? This isn't set too far in the future, you know.

Oh, and I think the clan tag should be DOA (dead on arrival).
Commando is fun. I use it on all my classes except for my riot and snipe classes. I love jumping off the top of buildings and knifing the crap out of people. I don't think they should patch it, because its way too fun.
I hate commando. Theres been numerous times where Im sitting behind a door or corner with my akimbo rangers ready to just destroy the next poor fool who wanders in.

But guess what happens? Someone someone runs into the room and knifes me before my rangers can even fire....

But commando IS fun to use.
I cannot stress this enough. Please people, send your applications by PM! It's in bold in the rules. This shows me that you didn't read the rules. >_<
Yes chanman, you did fail.

shadoworganoid said:
But commando IS fun to use.
Yes, yes it is. Until you realize the perk is more annoying than enjoyable to use. But seriously, I did like it before I prestiged.
What does prestiging have to do with it?

The way I see it, its just like the Rocket Launcher from Halo 3.

You LOVE to use it, but HATE it when its used against you.
Does anyone here use the M4? I've been thinking to myself why would anyone use this when it's so similar to the Acr. I know it has a higher rate of fire (barely) so I was wondering if anyone chooses this over the Acr. Is it outclassed in every way compared to the Acr.
The clan tag should be something original, something nobody has..
Nah.. maybe PB* bacuse where the stars of pokebeach :p?

EDIT: Damn abbreviations I ment P and B just as letters, not as PB
Mr. Random said:
Yes chanman, you did fail.

Yes, yes it is. Until you realize the perk is more annoying than enjoyable to use. But seriously, I did like it before I prestiged.
I only use Commando to get the pro version and then switch to ninja :)
jboy said:
Does anyone here use the M4? I've been thinking to myself why would anyone use this when it's so similar to the Acr. I know it has a higher rate of fire (barely) so I was wondering if anyone chooses this over the Acr. Is it outclassed in every way compared to the Acr.
The M4 is a horrible gun imo. it does such little dmg compared to the other guns and I'd gladly use a tar-21 or scar-h.

And I got a nuke today!!! :)
Yeah, I'm getting really bored of the Modern Warfare games (MW2 and COD4), I still play them occasionally from time to time though. It's not the maps that I don't like about the games it's just the people on there, they're not good but just think they're good by noobtubing the heck out of everyone. FAMAS noobs and RPD abusers aren't that good for my stress either, once they get their Harriers by abusing their grenade launcher or RPD and camping with the FAMAS on a roof or something then they've basically got their Chopper Gunner or AC130 and when you keep on getting spawn killed by them things you've been Nuked.

You can call me a bad loser or what ever but it makes the game not fun and I'm sure a lot of other people would agree. I've never really been a big fan of COD4 anyway, I still play MW2 from time to time - COD4, never.

Still keep me on members list, I just thought I would let you know if you thought I quit or something due to my in activeness, can you keep me on the members list though just in case I get back into it please.
Here's some of my favourite classes:
UMP45 @ Silencer
Any handgun(preferably Magnum) with Tactical Knife
Throwing Knife/Semtex
Marathon pro
(Unlimited sprint is always nice, and it's fun to run and gun)
Stopping power/Cold blooded pro
(Stopping power lets me kill in 2-3 shots, even with a silencer/Cold blooded can be used to hide from enemy killstreaks/UAVs)
Ninja pro/Commando pro
(Ninja pro is awesome for stealth classes and I hate HBS/Commando pro for no falling dmg and easy knife kills)

Scar H @ Grenade Launcher
Any sidearm(I use akimbo G18s)
Scavenger pro
-Scar runs out of ammo fast
Stopping power
-Always nice to use less bullets to kill and kill ppl easier
Ninja pro
-Nice perk especially if you have a good headset

This one is pretty standard for a sniper
Barret/Intervention @ FMJ
Handgun @ Akimbo/Machine Pistol @ Akimbo/Shotgun
Throwing Knife/Semtex/Claymore
Sleight of hand pro
-Faster aiming/reloading for quick scope etc
Stopping power
-One shot kills 'nuff said
Ninja pro/Steady aim pro
-Ninja is an awesome perk/steady aim if u no scope/hold your breath for a long time or if u don't have ninja

I use stuns with all those and I might use C4 if I play domination

And here are some Killstreaks I use
Counter UAV
Predator Missile
(It usually helps your team a lot)

Predator Missile
Chopper Gunner
(Pretty standard imo)

(Somewhat standard if you dont have many killstreaks unlocked)

(If you want nuke)

Or I'll use care package instead of something to get challenges done or try to get lucky
shadoworganoid said:
What does prestiging have to do with it?
Nothing, I just started using less after I prestiged.
jboy said:
Does anyone here use the M4? I've been thinking to myself why would anyone use this when it's so similar to the Acr. I know it has a higher rate of fire (barely) so I was wondering if anyone chooses this over the Acr. Is it outclassed in every way compared to the Acr.
The M4 can certainly hold its ground, but it's fairly underused compared to the ACR. I used it at one point, but then stopped and found some better weapons to use.
The FAL is the gun I am currently using and I must say, it is quite epic. I already got mastery for it, but I'm still using it because it's sooo much fun. I highly recommend it if you like single shot guns. I'm a sniper so like, a single shot but as an assault rifle blew my mind. :O
Lenny said:
The FAL is the gun I am currently using and I must say, it is quite epic. I already got mastery for it, but I'm still using it because it's sooo much fun. I highly recommend it if you like single shot guns. I'm a sniper so like, a single shot but as an assault rifle blew my mind. :O
i was using the fal in FFA in storm and i won 30 to 10

My favorite gun is the ACR. Here is my current class.
Any Shotgun(I use AA-12)
Flash Bangs
Scavenger Pro
-Its nice not to worry about being short on ammo. Plus you can randomly cuck Frags and Flash Bangs.
Stopping power
-Super easy to kill quikly and why not.
Sit Rep
-Just because there arent any other good 3rd perks and you wont get killed by stupid claymores. Also when you get pro you can hear enmy footsteps pretty loudly.
Zac, sorry I did not reply to your registration form, but so you know you are an official member of this clan. I accidentally deleted your PM while I was trying to delete things in my sent folder. :p
Lenny, you should upgrade jboy to lieutnant because he is almost as good as me, but hes still way good
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