I'm looking to buy this game soon. We have it set up in the canteen at work on a huge HD telly, s'fun to play at lunch time.
Soxrcol said:RROD!!!! dang lol I'll wait till I get my repair kit
it happens because of the clamps that are on the stock heatsinks. after much usage there is no way to prevent them from coming loose, what happens is then that the video card overheats. this is prevented by opening the console and replacing the clamps/heatsink/thermal paste urself.shadoworganoid said:How does that even happen anymore? I thought all the new 360's are "fixed". I mean, mine is kinda old, yet it has never happend to me.
kashmaster said:^ How many hours did it take you? I need to know if Im able to prestige lol. Also at r3skyline, why you moaning if you don't 'pay' for PC games? That should give you enough money to buy a PS3 and shutup
x war x said:I play codmwf2 all the time add me on xbox live if you get the chance my username is XxcornwallxX. Im in my second prestige and at rank 56 again and i think my K/D spread is like 1.16