Call of Duty Tag

Kingdra King

User experience may vary

Please rate and comment.
Read this tutorial:

It will cover all the basics of making a decent signature.
Also, you guys read this tutorial: and please give constructive critiques, instead of just saying "Oh looks nice." or "Not very good." Tell why it's nice, tell why it's not good. Otherwise it might as well be spam, because it's not helping the artist.

Also, try to be nice when telling someone what you think of their artwork. Thank you.
It's just a bit random. The guy looks like a ninja lol, and the c4d/wireframe or whatever is too visible, it should blend in more. The bricks don't look right either. If you made the text then good job, but if not you shouldn't just copy and paste call of duty text, make it yourself. And I don't recall eagles in CoD

btw the banner is too tall
You're definitly getting better from when you started. All I would say is start working on blending stuff together more, and only use Wireframe C4Ds when you REALLY know how to use them if that makes sense lol
Rewrite, please try to give constructive criticism. That is just being rude and flaming.

safariblade, please don't mini-mod - it's considered spamming and against the rules.
Well, it's better than the first ones you did, but still needs more stuff :F
Check out some tutorials and you'll get better. Btw, This is Counter Strike, isn't it ?