Call of Legends-"Special" cards


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Well, in the Clash of Legends description, they very carefully avoid saying Pokemon Prime or LEGEND. Do you think that Clash of Legends will have Pokemon Prime and/or LEGEND, or will they be absent from this set? The name of the set isn't even HS-Call of Legends, it's just Call of Legends. Do you think that new mechanics might be introduced, in preface to the first Black and White set? Yet, even though Power Keepers was an English-exclusive set, it was still ex Power Keepers and had ex cards. Well, what do you think?

(Mods, feel free to lock if this should be a post in the Call of Legends Front Page post, instead of an entirely new thread)
I think they're going to reprint some of the Lv.X's before HGSS. I think the HS is absent because it is a "transition" set.
Does anyone know what set the Hitmonlee is reprinted from?
Hitmonlee is from UD, but reprints could be from any set almost.

dmaster out.
It might be that instead of Primes and Legends, that the Shiny versions of the cards will be the Ultra Rares. They won't do anything too big to impact the game playwise.
Yes, I think they will make the shiny legendary Pokemon Ultra-rares. Although I dont like it, its for more of a collecters sake.
I bet the shinys will be the ultra rares. Maybe Pokemon is trying to make the set less valueable. Another possible ultra rare is Lost World. I doubt it but that would be cool.
I wonder exactly how many cards will be in this set. Probably less than 100, since some cards are just reprints. I hope they reprint some good Supporters (Bebe's or Roseanne's would be nice).
BTS would be nice, too.
I had heard that there would be some English-exclusive Primes. Is this no longer the case, or was it never?
^Ooh English exclusive Primes would be neat. I hope we get them. It's just a matter of time before they announce it.
yeah, I was thinking that maybe prime and LEGENDs won't be in the set too. They'll probably just use the shinies as ultra-rares. I just think it's stupid reprinting Hitmonlee when it's from such a recent set. I hope they reprint older cards instead...
Primes and Legends are specifically based for HS sets, and Legends are also carried on to BW sets. CoL is neither an HS set nor a BW set, so I'm expecting there to be no Primes/Legends at all. Unless we get reprints of them (which I doubt) there aren't any Primes/Legends that we haven't gotten yet.
Yeah, I just discovered it's not part of HGSS. Darn.
What are these shiny Pokémon they're referring to? Will they just be the typical shinies (like we've gotten 2 or 3 of in previous sets)?
They're referring to the 9-12(?) legendary shiny pokemon they gave out in the japanese promotion not too long ago.
This could either be an amazing set, or a horrible set. Only time will tell.
Odds are the special cards are the Very Bad shiny promo cards..either way I'm still buying a box if lost world is in the set. if LW is not in the set, I'll just go to 1-2 pre-releases to get sleeves and then trade for the remainder of the set of whatever I don't pull there.

Claydol maybe reprinted? (just kidding, but we could always hope)
I recon the shiny legendarys will be like arcues rarity. With a mini set at the end with like a 1 in 4 ratio of pulling them in packs. So are there no new cards in the set or are they ALL reprints? I hope we get some english exclusive primes or legends but i guess we'll have to wait and see.....
^That would make sense.

Personally I would bet we will get legend reprints. All of the pokemon on the packs have a legend version.

As for the next set, I not sure B&W even has prime/legend/level X/EX whatever. We haven't seen any. Maybe this is the first set of transition to no such secret rares.
I'm with the majority. The Shinies are probably the Secrets, and if they're not, the secrets will be reprints. (Legends would make sense given the pack art (are there any HGSS era non-shiny versions of EACH of them?), but I doubt Primes are likely, as there are only 2 legendary Primes. <Mew and Celebi>) I expect the Pokémon in these sets will all be HGSS-era cards. Or at least mostly. I don't see them including any cards with old-style weaknesses. (IE, +x) Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums are likely fair game, though. I wouldn't be surprised about reprints of general cards from early D/P sets like Night Maintenance, Rival (it doesn't actually name the rival in its name for any language, so someone like Silver is fair game) or Night Pokémon Center (lol). General cards that are legal for this format from the DPP-era are somewhat likely, too. I fully expect cards like Luxury Ball. Also, come to think of it, aren't there a few alt. art cards from Japan we still don't have, like the Raichu deck Pokémon Reversal and Reviving Legends Rare Candy? Those seem likely, too.

I apologize for going slightly off-topic with that rambling. Just felt I should get it off my mind.