Call of Legends-"Special" cards

I wonder what the borders of these cards will look like if this isn't an HGSS set. HGSS cards had gold and silver splotches. This set will either have the old border (Arceus and below), keep the HGSS border, or have an all-new border. I also believe that since this set is called 'Call of Legends', they may introduce new ways to search or draw up Legend cards. Just a thought.
Yeah, I hope Legends get more support this set. I'd like for Legends to be a more active part of the game since it's a neat idea.
And yet we all know that Japan will complain about not getting this set like they did with PK.
They've got 3 different sets of the PK/POP5 Shining Eeveelutions/Eeveelution *'s.

Edit: Like what mlouden03 said, I also hope that Claydol (GE) gets it'll speed my deck up again (I got 9th in the Sydney City States last year).
No Claydol. Nonono. Magnegatr would lose a huge advantage if that got reprinted...
Too... much... drawpower...
Something tells me that this set will mostly contain (as well as the cards not yet released in english), cards which do a reasonable amount of damage but either for high costs (eg 3 for 60) or have some drawback to them ( 2 for x30 with 2 coin flips). I reckon that only about 5-10 of the cards will be the cards that you see in the majority of decks either just now or last year.
If I had to make a prediction just now I would say that Roseanne's Research will be reprinted but Broken Time Space and Claydol won't.
...And if I get that right then the lottery numbers on Febuary 9th will be 8, 17, 22, 26, 42, 48 .....xD
you realise you now HAVE to enter those numbers into the lottery on FEB or they will come up and you will kick yourself forever.

on topic i want roseannes search back.
i hope they come up with better primes. we didnt need yanmega prime or celebi prime (although he is in my Grass Psychic deck). i hope they make really good primes that have amazing abilities and attacks buuuut they probably wont.

i want the shiny rayquaza out of that set really bad
We need colorless-type Primes, something good as a tech for a lot of decks. All we have is Ursaring the over-hyped bear.
^ also blissey....which sucks. i prefer togekiss UD where i can take some damage then just heal everyone and put him back in my deck and 3 turns later he's back again. i want a heatran shaymin legend...that would be amazing
We need good grass- and colorless-type primes. Otherwise, we're probably good on the other types.
Too bad we probably won't get any primes since it's not a HGSS set...
Guys, stop dreaming, there will be probably no primes or Legend. Even if there is, they will be crap. As LZ is in the set, there will already be a big hit that everyone is going to buy the set. If they put some good Legend and primes, the set will have too high values compared to the other ones. Which set you like to get? You are probably going to say one or too, compared to the others. PUSA tries to make the sets equal, but even with that, you have a preference. If there are too much good cards inside of Call of the Legend, a lot of people will just get that pack, instead of the others. True, this does not affect the economy of Pokemon but the game itself.
Can you imagine how epic a Mewtew Prime would be? I can...with the shadows on his face and his paw sticking out to grab you. Eevee Prime, anyone? :D
What about the new way to summon a pokemon, like if your opponent has that many prize card left, you may put this creature in play.

Or, a basic who has an attack that does 1000 damage for no energies but you lose to your next turn. Therefore, it makes you take your last prize.
^1,000? Really, it would only have to do 400 (Wailord with Expert Belt and four Defenders) if it were to knock out every Pokemon out there. And they would never make a card like that, it's just stupid. Even if you lose your next turn, many people won't care. It's too broken.
zitong said:
What about the new way to summon a pokemon, like if your opponent has that many prize card left, you may put this creature in play.
not going to happen, seeing as this set is not being released in Japan