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Your Master

Aspiring Trainer
Please offer me a price
Id preferably want to use paypal but if I really have to Ill send cash
Id like you to send first unless you are a trusted trader/seller but i will pay first if necessary
All pokebeach Rules apply

Im looking for
very high wants:
Keldeo Ex
Terrakion Shiny
Bianca FA

High Wants:
2 or more Mewtwo for cheap
Mew Ex's FA
Darkrais 4 cheap
RE: Want to buy Mewtwo, Tornadus, Ho-Oh and more

I have one Terrakion NV RH and 2 Darkrai (1 FA and 1 Reg).

LMK which of these you'd be interested in and then I can offer you a price.
RE: Want to buy Mewtwo, Tornadus, Ho-Oh and more

I could do the Terrakion for 10, Regular Darkrai for 20 and FA Darkrai for 25.
RE: Want to buy Mewtwo, Tornadus, Ho-Oh and more

I have 4 Terrakion, 3 of which are full art, and a Pokemon Catcher off of your wants. Would you be interested in purchasing any of these? Please let me know and I only accept cash currently just to make that clear. Thank you!
RE: Want to buy Mewtwo, Tornadus, Ho-Oh and more

We are back in business
@afro-g how much for 2 fa terrakion and the catcher

@zorua still thinking about it there is a good chance ill buy the fa darkrai not sure tho
RE: Want to buy Mewtwo, Tornadus, Ho-Oh and more

Your Master said:
We are back in business
@afro-g how much for 2 fa terrakion and the catcher
Would you be willing to do $36 for the 3 cards?
RE: Want to buy Mewtwo, Tornadus, Ho-Oh and more

@spardan I was hoping maybe a little lower than that
@afro g could you give me the price of just the catcher

Updated list
RE: Want to buy Mewtwo, Tornadus, Ho-Oh and more

Your Master said:
@afro g could you give me the price of just the catcher
Can you do $10?
RE: Want to buy Mewtwo, Tornadus, Ho-Oh and more

Your Master said:
@spardan I was hoping maybe a little lower than that
@afro g could you give me the price of just the catcher

Updated list

38$ shipped?
RE: Want to buy Mewtwo, Tornadus, Ho-Oh and more

I no longer have the FA Darkrai EX, but I can sell a regular Darkrai for 22$.

Also I still have a Terrakion RH I can sell for 10$.
RE: Want to buy Mewtwo, Tornadus, Ho-Oh and more

Are you looking for regular Terrakions? LMK. IDK if you meant EX or not.
RE: Want to buy Mewtwo, Tornadus, Ho-Oh and more

@afro-g is that shipped
@spardan sorry I can get it cheaper
@zorua sorry I don't want normal darkrai as much
@mudkip mostly normal but maybe ex depends on price
RE: Want to buy Mewtwo, Tornadus, Ho-Oh and more

5 Catcher/ $9 each
1 Garbodors/ $6 each
3 Terrakion/ $9 each

LMK with those prices.
RE: Want to buy Mewtwo, Tornadus, Ho-Oh and more

@mudkip Im really interested in the catchers but I don't really need the others ill have to talk about it with my brother and my mom tomorrow morning as I am only 15 and my money is mostly held by my mom and my brther needs four of those catchers can you hold those ill talk to you tomorrow
RE: Want to buy Mewtwo, Tornadus, Ho-Oh and more

Haha it's k. I have to talk to my dad too before I buy something mainly because it's his PayPal account. Just shoot me a PM when you're ready.
RE: Want to buy Mewtwo, Tornadus, Ho-Oh and more

this is actually my first time buying something off of the beach so how exactly would we do it
RE: Want to buy Mewtwo, Tornadus, Ho-Oh and more

> You PM me/I PM you stating our deal.
> I give you my PayPal address to pay.
> You give me your mailing address.
> You pay, I leave you a ref.
> I ship out to you, then you leave me a ref.
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