Can you make your profile private?


Can u put people's profile under private?
like this person dont want anybody to look at his their something u guys can do about it?
if yes do mine.
RE: can u?

Wait, why would you want to make your profile private? If you don't want people seeing your email adress or whatever, you can always delete them.
RE: can u?

No, you can't make your entire profile private, but everything you put it in it is entirely optional. If you're worried about being personally identified, just erase everything from your profile.

I also edited your title to make it a little more clearer; "can u?" doesn't really tell much.
What's the point of a profile if others can't look at it, you love your own information so much? Why don't your marry it? :p
no i just want it to be like caller id.
but dang....i dont want just anyone to look at it so that includes u c-m.
Well, here's my defination of the word "profile":


A profile is an information about somebody that isn't too personal. For that reason, a profile can be shown to public for any reason.

How to make your profile, urr, Private

Just don't fill in the required information. Or, you can just keep a low profile and hope that no one will look at your profile. In other words, option 1 is the best option you'll ever find.

A little clearer now?
Surely you can't. The only thing you can keep private is your name in the "Members online" list. Hope this helps.
No you can't make it private because some of us like to see profiles before they make buddy's and WPM checks profile to see your threads and posts too.:)