Can You Raed tihs?

I've seen that on PokeCommunity forums. I can read it perfectly, but I wouldn't put it in my signature....
I've seen it on posters (in my psych class) as well. Not the exact words, but it's the same deal. What does ADD or ADHD have to do with not being able to do it?
I'd say that some of them might not be able to read it because they might mix up the letters even more, as they do with regular words. Not that they all couldn't, but some of them might not be able to. No offense to anyone.
Can read it like most people. I just don't want to use all my sig for this utter waste.

dmaster out.
Who came up with the 55% thing? =/
I quite agee with others. I mean, it's probably at least above 90%.
Anyone who can't read it probably has difficulties reading in the first place.

But yeah, I can read it just fine.
Just like everybody else here. -.-
Yup, I can read it. I found this out on a T-Shirt I found at a store this past fall.

I would not put this in my signature, as it is a waste. Would you rather want an awesome banner or this junk in your sig?

I thought so...
Umm, I actually sated this fact quite awhile ago at the Chillax Zone.

Here's another joke for you nerds:

There are only 10 kinds of people: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
ESP said:
I'd say that some of them might not be able to read it because they might mix up the letters even more, as they do with regular words. Not that they all couldn't, but some of them might not be able to. No offense to anyone.

Umm, no. That would be dyslexia...

Oh, and I just realized, I should give you a negative S/G rep. :p
Riskbreakers said:
Yeah, I did find it pretty easy, like even elementary kids could read most of the stuff conveyed on that message.
Yeah, I'm in 5th grade and as I said before I can read it.
I can read it easily, I'm pretty sure it's Cambridge because I seem to recall something much more tricky about reading color, as in doing something like this:

Green Blue Orange black

Now I know that is not exactly it but it get's confusing trying to read it out what colors are the words or what the words are not color, not quite sure which. Anyway I'm sure if you a little research you can find the full version :cool:
Bo-Bo-Bo Bo Bo-Bo-Bo, this has been going around the internet for god knows how long. Anyone who can read english can read it, and if you can't then you're not human as it is the human brain's process for reading that makes this work.
Does the % in that count all the 4-, old and blind people in the world. Add them up and it still doesn't add up to 45% of the world.
Maybe if you try reading it out loud, because I think that is what you suppose to do. I think it suppose to be harder if you read it out loud, because I think reading out loud is harder.*shrugs* I can read it fine both ways, maybe it doesn't matter.

EDIT: My brother has dyslexia and he can read most of it so.....
You konw taht tihs has been aroscs the goble? Yes I kown I hvae tihs in my snigtarue but honestly how can read this without a LITTLE decipchering:


So honestly I could careless about that message. I just lack a cool banner ATM. I need to mkae a new one. xD
Pokémaniac said:
Cna yuo raed tihs? 100% of plepoe can.
I cdnuolt blveiee taht tihs had srepad to Pkoebaech. The phaonmneal pweor of the itnreent, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr how utnure the fcat is, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht it's on the iternet. The stroy is a taotl mses and we can all raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
If you can raed tihs, pealse rmeove tihs form yuor siantugre. I beg of you.

What Pokemaniac said.


This isn't new to the internet. It's been around for years.