Canadian Nationals Attendees, Please Read.


YGO TCG is Cheaper. Fight me.
As some of you may know, Skyfox Games will be in charge of the Nationals this year.

As such it's clear products will be on sale like every event under this. I wanted to give all of you a very fair warning. I need to get this out clear to you all. I may not be attending, but there is one thing I know about this store.

Do not buy their playmats.

This isn't a "review" or a "flame war fuel" kind of topic, I am not stopping you guys from going, and as rude as it is for me to do this, I think it would be equally rude for this to be ignored. We have a group here for artists and I can very well say many of us respect art and the artists in general.

Skyfox Games does not. If you've attended Anime North 2011 and walked by their booth you'll see their newest cash grab is some lovely looking playmats sporting un-official art and a variety of it is, well, stunning.

Here's the catch. It's STOLEN.

So I just wanted to give you all a heads up that if these playmats catch your eye, I ask that you all respect the artists who drew them and not toss money at Skyfox Games. Not only did I even tell them what they were doing was wrong, but the one responsible acted like a child and taunted me. This isn't a vendetta thread, I'm asking you all to please, PLEASE, be respectful.

I have a request for those of you who can, please take pictures of any obvious stolen works and post them here when you get the chance so some of us can locate the artists and contact them.
Would be nice to have some sort of evidence, before making some pretty serious acusations and asking people to boycott them.

For we know you're the competition just trying to slander their name.
As a player from the area, this is not surprising; is this related to Anime North at all? Honestly I avoid them like the plague as they try to use their influence to push up local card prices. They also sell a lot of league stuff; I am surprised P!P will deal with them due to that; they axe TOs for it all the time.

Mods: leave this open; let's see who has evidence to post. If nothing comes up, delete it - the league promo thing could still be coincidental, just suspicious in such numbers, esp uxie/tomb/garchomp c.
I've been leaving it open for discussion. I wasn't planning on closing it.
What do you mean by stolen? Like it was stolen art (As in someone elses picture) or stolen mat (someone owned it before)?

Edit: Misread what he said. I see what he means now.
I don't think it really matters in this case either way if the art or the mat was stolen, but I'm pretty sure Grave said it was the art that was stolen.
Im bringing my Camera and so will my friend if hes coming. I will take any pictures of anything I see that looks suspicious..
sdrawkcab said:
Would be nice to have some sort of evidence, before making some pretty serious acusations and asking people to boycott them.

For we know you're the competition just trying to slander their name.

Oh believe me, I am not. That right there is a pretty bad accusation.

and yes these were the folks at Anime North with tons of stolen artwork on their mats. I dunno if they've seen this and will be removing those mats from nationals, but if they don't, some of them should be pretty obvious.

Thank you to those who have listened, it's hard taking a picture without buying at the con since you can't take pictures of the items. I'd rather not pay for a mat like that either.
At a con simply report it to staff; they really do try hard to avoid civil and especially criminal (such as this case) liabilities.
Yeah, that would be the best bet.

Also, there may not be Pokemon ones on here, but there sure is enough copyright infringement on this page to give you guys a good example. Not only that, but these guys are representing nationals and this is something they should clearly see as illegal.

On top of this, there's even Pixiv artists work on there.
GraveTheUndead said:
As some of you may know, Skyfox Games will be in charge of the Nationals this year.

As such it's clear products will be on sale like every event under this. I wanted to give all of you a very fair warning. I need to get this out clear to you all. I may not be attending, but there is one thing I know about this store.

Do not buy their playmats.

This isn't a "review" or a "flame war fuel" kind of topic, I am not stopping you guys from going, and as rude as it is for me to do this, I think it would be equally rude for this to be ignored. We have a group here for artists and I can very well say many of us respect art and the artists in general.

Skyfox Games does not. If you've attended Anime North 2011 and walked by their booth you'll see their newest cash grab is some lovely looking playmats sporting un-official art and a variety of it is, well, stunning.

Here's the catch. It's STOLEN.

So I just wanted to give you all a heads up that if these playmats catch your eye, I ask that you all respect the artists who drew them and not toss money at Skyfox Games. Not only did I even tell them what they were doing was wrong, but the one responsible acted like a child and taunted me. This isn't a vendetta thread, I'm asking you all to please, PLEASE, be respectful.

I have a request for those of you who can, please take pictures of any obvious stolen works and post them here when you get the chance so some of us can locate the artists and contact them.

I believe you, but you need proof to make a claim such as this.
Kittymew said:
Send it to Pixiv and P!P. I would love to see these guys get theirs.

I agree.

I've boycotted almost all of the Pokemon events held by SkyFox (except for the big ones like Regionals, Nationals, etc. because I don't have a choice of going to another one) because of their poor business practices. In my opinion, they overcharge for Prereleases, sell things from leagues that should not be sold (like promo cards), greatly overcharge for products at the big tournaments, and the events I've been to that were run by them were never fun (other events I've been to had side events, including video game mini-tournaments).

I've just had a bad experience with them ever since I started playing this game.

P.S. I also noticed at Nationals that they were selling playmats with unofficial artwork. And, to make matters worse, they had a fanmade/unofficial Pokemon Black/White logo on them. I would be upset if someone bought something like that for me. It's like getting fake Pokemon cards.

Also, I noticed they were selling the official HGSS playmats. Are they allowed to sell those? I thought those were prizes from some event.
Did you manage to get pictures of these playmats?

Also, it's sad that they're the only supplier of major events here... I will disagree on one thing though, the pre-release prices here are the same as they usually are everywhere. I do hate how stores do resell those things, if anything they'd be more worth it as special prizes since they're leftover stock.

Oh and I have a feeling he's clearly read this info most likely, so I will say it straight up; if you DO know who I am in person, then I will inform you right now to not bring this up in person or at events. Though you should be smart enough to know that much already.

As for the HG/SS playmat, I'm honestly thinking that's a scanned one since they seem to sport so many.