Can't reset password


Aspiring Trainer
Hi pokebeach admins, just a problem with my account. My primary account on this website was "cole'a" I got a new computer the other day and after setting up and installing I wasn't able to log-in (my computer always auto-loged in) as I had forgotten my password. I did the password reset, e-mail was sent.

I clicked the link in my inbox which sent me my user-name and temporary password. When I enter that password and go to log-in, it tells me I have reached the maximum attempts at loging in, and to wait 15min. Then I wait 15min try to log-in and I get the same error. I have tried using the password re-set again and I still get the same problem each time.

would you admins be able to help me? I am sorry I setup a second account but I am in the middle of some trades, so I need to get in contact with people in my PM box, e.t.c

Thanks for any help

James a.k.a "cole'a"
1) Deleting cookies would probably help with the password issue.
2) You can ask questions like this in the Sticky.
3) This needs to go in amazing threads. You just admitted to a double account.
I know I just admitted to a double account, but how am I supposed to ask any questions and get help if I can't login to my other account?...

Have deleted cookies, no change.
colegaR said:
I know I just admitted to a double account, but how am I supposed to ask any questions and get help if I can't login to my other account?...

I believe you email moderators.
You could always email SuperModerators or just get on chat to ask.

Anyways, I have no clue. Remember your password next time.
I will try to get someone to help.
Thanks lilsparks101, nice to see someone actually understands....

I can see in hindsight that there would have been better ways to tackle this issue, and I will deal with all future issues like this. But jumping up and down and pointing out that I went about this the wrong way, and not helping is hardly good forum Etiquette, seems like more pokegym Etiquette
You know what, let me finish my trades. Will just hang up my forum account all togther :)

No need to help :)
I wasn't exactly saying that this was the smartest way of doing things, but in the grand scheme of things does it really matter? He's trying to get things done, and needed to stay in contact with certain people. So why can't he make a temporary account to FIX (not even avoid, but fix) his problems. On top of that emailing moderators may not even be the quickest way of doing things if he doesn't contact the right one.

And truthfully you guys are over reacting to a situation that isn't funny, because a moderator thinks its funny. Which as I said, I don't see the humor in it.
I never said it was funny.

Nobody else post unless you actually can help the situation.