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Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread! H:Regigigas EX! FULL RDL, Mew Prime!!!!

RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread!

I'm using it now in Paulkia. I won't be at league tonight because of a stupid basketball game. you going to the cities this weekend?
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread!

Could you Check My List for you JPN Uxie X. I also have a used Donphan Prime,
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread!

You could, if you have any:

Uxie X ENG
Luxray GL X
xXx Mew Prime
Gengar Prime

Do you have any?
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread!

NM Salamence EX? or a Used Dophan Prime for it?? I've been waiting for over 3 weeks for 2 more Donphan Prime. =(
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread!

Please CML for 16x Poliwag UL (Cities Promo).;) LMK if you find anything.
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread!

Not very high... Its not usable, and it's Japanease. I like it Cause I kinda collect Uxies.
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread!

@ Afro-G: I'm sorry, I didn't see anything that I really needed.

@Techdeck101: Do you have any CoL Pidgeys?
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread!

No, but I do have a UL Politoad. I saw that you wanted that on a different thread. Do you want it?