Captain Oats mah Goats' Artsy Stuff

Captain Oats

I'm worse than you at TCG.
I'm not much of an artist, or even very creative for that matter, but that doesn't stop me from doing stuff.

Currently an architecture student at UK, so most of the stuff will be models/drawings/concepts, but I still love to do random stuff that has nothing to do with architecture, like abstract things or stupid little comics. Nature, my faith and music inspire the better half of everything I do. The other half is about the 90s, cartoons, Christmas, Scrubs or just me being a satirical moron.

Also I just needed a place to dump some of my stuff.


- First Semester Final
- Second Semester Midterm

- Planets
- Slowbro
- Stairs Inking

Other Stuff
- Melted Crayon - Color Spectrum
- Melted Crayon - Tree


Comments, critiques, suggestions, etc all welcome! Enjoy!
I don't see anything, Oats. :p Hopefully you plan on adding something ASAP -- looking forward to seeing your stuff.
Melted Crayon wax.

Color Spectrum (no light)




Color Spectrum (light)



Wow, that's really cool!

I didnt even know that kind of stuff was possible with crayons (melted or not)

Keep it up, I'd love to see more. My favorite is Color Spectrum (Light).
Wow your style is so cool! How do you make these Melted Crayon pictures? They are really cool.

BTW you had two ads on your thread before xD
Thanks guys, it's not anything new really, people have been doing this kind of stuff for years. Crayons are made partly from wax so it's just a matter of heating them up, which can be done pretty much however you want. When I was a kid I used to make candles out of them with my grandma by breaking them up and putting them in a cupcake tin and then just putting them in the oven.

For these, I just attached the crayons (hot glue, super glue, etc) to the last page of an old sketchbook that I taped to the back cardboard panel and heated them up with a blow dryer. Just be careful if you want to do it, it's really easy, but they splatter if you aren't careful and it will ruin anything it hits. Also, they are oily, so it will ruin anything behind the paper if you don't have something there (the cardboard panel serves this purpose fine).
Interesting use of mediums indeed. I do like the melted color spectrum going on and the use of photography with angles.
I really like that color spectrum idea of yours. Sometimes the best ideas are the unique ones.. or the quirky ones. =P
Final model for my 1st semester. 80-100 hours of work, about 400-500 basswood sticks, 120-150 pieces of chipboard. Everything was hand cut and painted. There were 3 other concepts/models before this one, each totaling about 15-30 hours of work themselves. I'll have drawings up soon.

Whole model.



Piranesian views.




Not sure if anyone even remembered (and/or liked) my thread, but I haven't posted in a while so here's some stuff. I've been swamped with school so I haven't had time for anything besides architecture. I'll get back to other stuff once summer gets closer, but until then here's my midterm model for this past semester. I've never worked with wood on something like this before, so it didn't turn out exactly how I would have wanted it to. Oh well

Whole model.





Interior Shots.



ps sorry for the crappy quality.
Idk why it's so large

but here's a freehand perspective we had to do of some stairs for last semester I never finished. it was supposed to show off our style (I think) so I just took the fattest pen I could find and put a lot of shadows on it to pseudo-imitate comics and whatnot. also I don't do a lot of inkings

An amazing piece of artwork. The shadows truly bring out the nature of this piece. One thing I couldn't help noticing was the direction some of the shapes were going into, which makes a few things seem slightly off. Just a small thing I noticed, but nonetheless, you did a great job with this.