Card banning theory


I Died, I'm back, suck it up!
One problem with card banning is worlds. The article on go-pokemon says this.

"In Special Premier Events that encompass multiple countries, the Last Chance Qualifier, and the World Championships, players are permitted to use cards in any language listed for their home market during these events, regardless of where the event is held. Players from markets where a language is not listed under their country of residence are not permitted to use those cards. For example, a Canadian player may use English or French cards in the World Championships, but may not use German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, or Spanish cards."

So JPN will be able to use cards that we can't

For many years, US players have been winning the world championship.

Is this this an advantage being given to japanese players?

Money isn't an issue, I don't think. With no one buying japanese boxes, many people won't buy boxes at all. And that will actually cause a LOSS in money.

That is all

The Fallen One said:
weavile132 said:
So JPN will be able to use cards that we can't

No, they'll still limit what sets you can/can't use. That's not an issue.

Then that'll suck for Japanese players who need to make new decks.
Japan has always had to have our format at worlds since POP created worlds.
That's one of the reasons why they made a world-wide format.
weavile132 said:
For many years, US players have been winning the world championship.

Thanks for the good laugh.

It does help if you outnumber other countries 32 to 1 by placing unfair limits on them and on their travel possibilities, and still the USA often loses.
Lou Cypher said:
It does help if you outnumber other countries 32 to 1 by placing unfair limits on them and on their travel possibilities, and still the USA often loses.

Thanks Lou, you made my day.
Lou Cypher said:
weavile132 said:
For many years, US players have been winning the world championship.

Thanks for the good laugh.

It does help if you outnumber other countries 32 to 1 by placing unfair limits on them and on their travel possibilities, and still the USA often loses.

Totally this.
And no, the banning wasn't made to give the advantage to Japanese, it was driven by money, even if they don't say that
weavile132 said:
Money isn't an issue, I don't think. With no one buying japanese boxes, many people won't buy boxes at all.
Funny. How are we going to get cards then? Buy them separately? Hah.
Zyflair said:
weavile132 said:
Money isn't an issue, I don't think. With no one buying japanese boxes, many people won't buy boxes at all.
Funny. How are we going to get cards then? Buy them separately? Hah.

it works for me i've never bought japanese cards don't see the point there gonna be released here soon enough
they ban japanese cards so that english cards' price go up...check out....