• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Card Bazar: PA lv.Xs and others. Need: Sh10 Bagon + lv.Xs


Aspiring Trainer

  • While in my thread follow the board rules at all times. Look them up here if you're unsure.
  • English cards only.
  • Always make offers first. I will only 'cml' if we need to figure out fill-ins or if I'm curious.
  • I live in the U.S. but I will send overseas. You must send first however.
    Overseas trades also beware that since you are so far away, mishaps may occur. Please take this into consideration before making offers. I will keep recipes and other paper work to verify my shipments if asked.
  • Whoever has less refs will send first, unless you live out of the country. *looks above*
    You are expected to cover shipping on your own cards.
  • Cards must be shipped in TOPLOADERS with penny sleeves. Do not stuff cards to save on toploaders. 1-3 cards per toploader. I will send cards back if this stipulation is not followed.
  • Cards must be mint! If they are worn in any way I would like to know. Depending on the damage, it probably won't matter. Most of my wants are for deck use anyway.
  • If cards are damaged in any way I wasn't aware of before hand, I will send them back. This includes damage done on the trip over. (I will pay shipping fees if this situation occurs.)
  • I consider a trade finalized when addresses have been exchanged. You will get a negative ref from me if you back out after that.
  • If you make an offer, I expect you to be serious about it. This is business after all. ;)
  • My 'refs' and 'trade' links are in my sig.
  • My wants are what I want. Anything there I will trade well for. I will rarely talk about prices as a basis for trades. If money were what I was after I'd be on Ebay.
  • If you are a certified seller, I am willing to buy cards. It is more than ok to offer sales.
  • And most of all, while in here... Relax, chill out, feel free to haggle and bargain to your heart's content. Happy trading everyone!

('Bold' = Bigger want XP)

x2 SH10 Bagon PA
x4 Rare Candy
x1 Luxray GL lv.X
x2 Luxray GL
x1 Mismagius GL lv.X
x1 Mismagius GL
x1 Sceptile GE
x3 Leftovers
x2 Unown G
x2 Mr.Mime MT
x? Holo Energy (Any set; Fire, Water, Psychic)


Lv. X's:

x1 Arceus lv.X (Omniscient)
x1 Arceus lv.X (Psychic Bolt)
x1 Salamence lv.X
x2 Gengar lv.X
x2 Tangrowth lv.X (1 pending in)
x1 Infernape 4 lv.X
x2 Blaziken lv.X
x1 Electivire FB lv.X
x1 Staraptor FB lv.X
x1 Garchomp C lv.X (tin)
x1 Palkia lv.X (Restructure)
x1 Giratina lv.X
x1 Empoleon lv.X (Promo)


x1 Shining Tyranitar (Neo Destiny)
x1 Electabuzz Secret PL
x1 Scyther Secret PL
x1 Charmeleon Secret SF
x2 Surfing Pikachu RR
x1 Charon's Choice RR
x2 Milotic SH7
x2 Yanma SH9



x2 Arceus Dark AR1
x2 Arceus Grass AR2
x2 Arceus Fire AR3
x2 Arceus Water AR4
x2 Arceus Colorless AR5
x2 Arceus Lightning AR6
x1 Arceus Psychic AR7
x2 Arceus Ground AR8
x1 Arceus Metal

x3 Spiritomb
x2 Charizard
x2 Heatran (1 rh)
x3 Rapidash (Wild Guard)
x1 Kabutops
x2 Toxicroak (1 rh)
x2 Aerodactyl
x3 Golem
x4 Hariyama (1 rh)
x1 Salamence
x2 Porygon-Z G
x2 Raticate (1 rh)
x2 Zapdos G
x4 Luxray (2 rh)
x3 Raichu
x4 Pichu (1 rh)
x5 Manectric (1 rh)
x3 Gengar (Curse, 1 rh)
x3 Gengar (Sharpshooting)
x1 Swalot
x2 Tangroth
x2 Mothim
x3 Sceptile (Leaf Supply)
x5 Cherrim (2 rh)
x1 Omastar
x1 Glalie
x3 Pelipper (2 rh)
x2 Probopass (1 rh)
x2 Bronzong

Other Reverse Holos:

x1 Pelipper
x2 Bronzong
x1 Bronzor (hypnosis)
x1 Beedrill G
x1 Wormadam Plant Cloak
x1 Wormadam Trash Cloak
x1 Burmy Trash Cloak
x1 Grovyle
x1 Gastly (Lick)
x1 Gulpin
x1 Rapidash
x2 Graveler
x1 Kabuto
x1 Pikachu
x1 Wingull (rain splash)
x1 Wingull (Glide)

x4 Expert Belt
x10 Department Store Girl (1 rh)
x13 Lucky Egg (3 rh)
x9 Buffer Piece
x9 Bench Shield (1 rh)
x10 Ultimate Zone (1 rh)
x9 Beginning Door (2 rh)
x9 Old Amber (1 rh)
x10 Helix Fossil (2 rh)
x9 Dome Fossil

Supreme Victors


x1 Garchomp rh
x2 Venusaur (1 rh)
x2 Exploud
x4 Dodrio (1 rh, great Claydol replacements)
x1 Butterfree FB
x2 Regigigas FB
x2 Charizard G (1 rh)
x2 Blaziken FB (1 rh)
x2 Staraptor FB (1 rh)

Other Reverse Holos:

x2 Relicanth
x1 Sableye G
x1 Parasect
x1 Breloom
x1 Sandslash
x2 Roserade
x2 Drifblim FB
x2 Wailord
x2 Camerupt
x1 Arcanine G
x2 Moltress
x1 Carnivine lv.34
x1 Solrock
x1 Primeape
x1 Medicham

Rising Rivals

Rare/Other Reverse Holos:

x3 Nidoqueen
x2 Lucario (Both rh)
x2 Beedrill (Both rh)
x2 Gallade 4 (1rh)
x1 Weabvile G rh
x1 Drapion rh
x1 Hippowdon rh
x1 Didoking rh
x1 Golem 4 rh
x2 Infernape 4 (Both rh)



x2 Dialga G (1 rh)
x3 Palkia G (1 rh)
x1 Torterra

Rare/Revers Holos:

x1 Mamoswine
x1 Blastoise
x2 Palkia
x1 Slaking
x1 Banette
x1 Blissy
x1 Blaziken
x3 Infernape
x1 Giratina lv.63
x1 Giratina lv.55



x1 Machamp
x3 Gengar
x1 Dusknoir lv.48
x2 Dusknoir lv.47 (1 rh)
x1 Sceptile

Other Rares

x1 Beedrill GE (rh)
x1 Pachirisu GE
x2 Darkrai MD (both rh)
x1 Venusaur SF
x1 Raikou SF
x2 Weavile SF
RE: Just a few things you might like-

Approved! Welcome to Pokebeach!


On a side note, I have all of your wants (but I need to double check how many Poke Drawer+ I have left)

Anyway I can sell you these, if you are interested in buying, if not I am interested in Dialga G.

LMK what you can do.

RE: Just a few things you might like-

plz cml for this if u could:
x1 vaporeon rr
and if u have them
x3 eevee rr
x2 roserade gl rr
RE: Just a few things you might like-

interested in this:

Dialga G (PT)

would you trade that for:

Sableye (SF) x4


Hi Spirit!

This is not a good deal, but... if you want those cards by Saturday, I could trade ---

4 Sableye (SF)
2 Candy
1 googlei's
1 Flint's Willpower
4 Poke Drawer +

For either Palkia G LvX or Dusknoir LvX -- Please PM me on the off-chance you're interested... (I would pay extra to ship F A S T -- and I would forego the ref rule and send at the same time)

Thank you.

- Hypno68
RE: Just a few things you might like-

cml for vaporeon roserade gl and lucario gl i have 2 sabelye 1 Candy 1 googlei's 1 Flint's Willpower 4 Poke Drawer +
RE: Just a few things you might like-

1 Vaporeon
1 Lucario GL RH

1 Dialga G
1 Scyther
1 Slaking RH
1 Electabuzz
1 Weavile G

please check my list for these.

i have 2 rare Candy
RE: Just a few things you might like-

Ok, so my wants have been updated after excepting Hypno68's deal.
But I will go through all of your guys' haves and get back to you ASAP.

This post will be updated.
Thank you for being patient. I've been super busy lately.


AnthonyG said:
On a side note, I have all of your wants...

Sorry mate, I was looking for some Darkrai MD.

kashmaster said:
CML for floatzel GL and 3x palkia G and palkia G lv X

I can do the Floatzel and maybe 1 or 2 Palkia G for your Ryperior lv.X

giggran said:
please cml for this if u could:
x1 vaporeon rr
and if u have them
x3 eevee rr
x2 roserade gl rr

I have everything you asked for -1 Eevee RR. I like your Dialga G.

qnetykz said:
interested in this:
Dialga G (PT)
would you trade that for:
Sableye (SF) x4

I like your Jirachi RR. But I won't do it for Dialga G alone.

sceptileblade411 said:
cml for vaporeon roserade gl and lucario gl I have 2 sabelye 1 Candy 1 googlei's 1 Flint's Willpower 4 Poke Drawer +

I really like your tin Darkrai lv.X & tin Rhyperior lv.X.
I can give you both Lucario GL (1 RH), and I also have a slocoth. Just one. what other G pokemon were you interested in? Or other trades to even the deal? If I had to choose. I'd go for the Rhyperior.

vespa wielder said:
1 Vaporeon
1 Lucario GL RH
1 Dialga G
1 Scyther
1 Slaking RH
1 Electabuzz
1 Weavile G
please check my list for these.
I have 2 rare Candy

I like your Machamp lv.X and your Dialga G.
You can have everything except for Dialga G (pending trade), Vaporeon (Pending Trade), and Lucario GL RH (PT).

kingdra Master said:
please cml for your
1-palkia g x

The only thing I'm interested in is your Dialga G. Sorry man. I won't do it for the Palkia G lv.X alone.
RE: Just a few things you might like-

2 Roserade Gl
1 Turtwig GL
1 Floatzel GL
1 Lucario GL RH
palkia g lv.x

1 rhyperior x
1 rhyperior dp (if you want)
1 dialga lv.x
dialga ge (if you want)
RE: Just a few things you might like-

i could do dialga g for these just lmk
vaporeon rr
x2 roserade gl rr
RE: Just a few things you might like-

giggran said:
I could do dialga g for these just lmk
vaporeon rr
x2 roserade gl rr

Done, PM sent.

sceptileblade411 said:
2 Roserade Gl
1 Turtwig GL
1 Floatzel GL
1 Lucario GL RH
palkia g lv.x

1 rhyperior x
1 rhyperior dp (if you want)
1 dialga lv.x
dialga ge (if you want)

-2 Roserade (Traded)
-1 Palkia G lv.X

I'll do the remaining for your Rhyperior DP and Dialga GE. Unless you're willing to trade one of the lv.X's for the remaining lol. What do you think?
RE: Just a few things you might like-

CML for Dialga G.

dmaster out.
RE: Just a few things you might like-

CML for Dialga G. Not much is listed, so just ask.
RE: Just a few things you might like-

d master342 said:
CML for Dialga G.

dmaster out.

Sorry man, I didn't see anything I was looking for.

Muddy68 said:
CML for Dialga G. Not much is listed, so just ask.

I like your Darkrai lv.X (tin)

darksoulSP said:
Please CML for Palkia X please! :)

How many shiny Duskull do you have?
I'll trade a Charmeleon SF for one. If you have more I also have a Machamp lv.X I just pulled.


RE: UPDATED! Just a few things you might like- NEW SF! Check now!

sure so my rhyperior dp dialga ge for your turtwig gl lucario gl and floatzel gl (some other time i will trade the xs)