Card ideas: EX legendary quake.

Shuckle, grass, Attacks: Wrap, Cost: 1 Grass energy. Base damage: 10. The defending pokemon is now paralyzed. Weak to:fire. R.C.: 1. HP: 50.
Yes that is so broken. You no what what makes it more broken the defending can't get it away if it evolves and they can't play any trainers.
Poke_master1: the Critisism are ment possitiv, to help you. You should thank them, not say that yu don't want critisism. Everyone needs help sometimes, and Andyman and mathace are only trying to help by give you that information.
i think you should acsept critisism, because you need a litle help with that Shuckle of yours.
Shuckle 60 HP ( G )

Basic Pokémon.

Poké-body: Poison Spore
When the defending Pokémon attacks Shuckle, the defending Pokémon is now Poisoned.

( G )( C )Poisoned Wrap 10
If the defending Pokémon is Poisoned, the defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed as well.

Weakness ( R ) Resistance (None) Retreat Cost ( C )

I guess this one's broken too, but less broken, that's for sure.
FireMeowth said:
Shuckle 60 HP ( G )

Basic Pokémon.

Poké-body: Poison Spore
When the defending Pokémon attacks Shuckle, the defending Pokémon is now Poisoned.

( G )( C )Poisoned Wrap 10
If the defending Pokémon is Poisoned, the defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed as well.

Weakness ( R ) Resistance (None) Retreat Cost ( C )

I guess this one's broken too, but less broken, that's for sure.
Absol. HP:80. Type: Darkness. ATKS: Dark scythe. Cost: 3 darkness energy. Base damage: 70. R.C.: 2. Rare. Baisic poke.
Broken. It should read "Discard 2 (D) energy cards attached to Absol." because basic pokemon(excluding ex's) never do that much damage without a drawback. Take Latios from HP for example. Its second attack needs to discard 1 energy attached to it. This seems like this can't be, but it's a basic.
Absol {D}
80 HP
Poke-Body: Shroud of Darkness
All damage done to Absol is decreased by 10.
{CC} Dark Fang 20+
This attack does 20 damage plus 20 damage for each {D} Energy attached to Absol.
{DDD} Darkness Swipe 70
Weakness: {F}
Resistance: {P}
Retreat Cost: {CC}

My addition (for the quake bit...)
Golem ex {F}
160 HP
Poke-Body: Granite Head
If Golem ex has more than 3 {F} Energy attached to it, all of its attacks do 30 more damage.
{FFC} Rock Throw 40x
Flip 3 coins. This attack does 40 damage times the number of heads.
{FFFCC} Earthquake 120
This attack does 10 damage to all your Benched Pokemon (don't apply Weakness and Resistance to Benched Pokemon)
Weakness: {G}{W}
Resistance: N/A
Retreat Cost: {CCCCC}

cya. and really, if a card can paralyse immediately; its are sure win...
Here's some of Mine!

Nosepass delta [Grass] HP 70

Poke Body Magnetic Nose
Once during your turn (before you attack) if Nosepass has no Energies attached to it than search your deck for for an Energy and attach it to Nosepass. You can't use more than 1 Magenetic Nose Poke Body per turn. Shuffle your deck afterwards.

[C] Rock Camouflage 10
After you attack,return Nosepass and all basic Energy cards attached to it to your hand. If you have no Benched Pokémon, this attack does nothing. The Defending Pokemon can't Retreat.

Weakness: {G}
Resistance: {C}
Retreat Cost: {CC}
Holo Foil Rare

Energy Search 2
Search your deck for a Special Energy and show it to your opponent. Shuffle your deck afterwards.

What about:

Ponyta 60 HP ( P )

Basic Pokémon.

( P )Psycho Speed 10
Put 1 damage counter on one of your opponent's benched Pokémon.

( C )( C )Quick Attack 20+
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage.

Weakness ( W ) Resistance (None) Retreat Cost ( C )

Rapidash 90 HP ( P )

Stage 1 Pokémon.

Poké-power: Confusing Run
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may use this power. Flip a coin. If heads, the defending Pokémon is now Confused. If tails, draw a card.

( P )( C )Quick Race 30

( P )( P )( P )Psychic Powers 50
Flip 2 coins. If exactly 1 is heads, draw a card. If exactly 2 is heads, the defending Pokémon is now Confused. If all are tails, your opponent draws a card.

Weakness ( W ) Resistance (None) Retreat Cost ( C )( C )
Are they delta Pokemon? because Ponyta and Rapidash are Fire.
Anyways more..

Wynaut [Psychic] HP 50
Poke Power
Baby Evolution
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may put Wobbuffet from your hand onto Wynaut (this counts as evolving Wynaut), and remove all damage counters from Wynaut.

[P] Counter
If an attack damages Wynautt during your opponent's next turn (even if Wynaut is Knocked Out), flip a coin. If heads, Wynaut attacks the Defending Pokémon for an equal amount of damage.

Weakness ( P ) Resistance (None) Retreat Cost ( C )

Wobbuffet ex [Psychic] HP 90

[C] Destiny Bond
When ever Wobbuffet is Knocked Out the Defending Pokemon is also Knocked Out.

[P][C] Shadow Tap 40
Search your discard pile for a card show it to your opponent and put it in your hand. The Defending Pokemon can't Retreat.

[P][P][C] Extreme Disable
Each player discards thier hand and draws the same number of cards as prizes.