card mistakes


So I heard you like muDkiPz!
have you ever got a card with a mistake on it? eg I once got a combusken with stage 2 on it.
I have a base set vulpix which says HP40 instead of 40HP. I also have a dark arbok in which the year at the bottom is wrong. Apart from that there are none that I am aware I have.
I do have a magikarp from fire red/leaf green which has a diamond instead of a circle but I reckon that one is a fake.
Gamefreak734 said:
have you ever got a card with a mistake on it? eg I once got a combusken with stage 2 on it.

Let me guess, it was from Ex Battle Stadium? If so, it's nothing special as all of the Combuskens in Battle Stadium had that mistake.
Anyway, I once got a Mudkip (POP4) with a small white blob on the top of the card. Probably some others as well, but I can't think of any at the moment.

What's so off about that?
Oops, I didn't realise the change in wording, I always assumed it was the same. (note to self, read cards that are reprinted properly). I'll change my first post.
The Vulpix is VERY NORMAL. I have a Dark Vileplume that has weakness to Fightning, which is pretty nromal
All vulpix in base set say HP 50. It is an eror that applys to every single vulpix (base set) card, otherwize it is fake. Stop saying vulpix!

I once got a charmander (base set) which had resistance to water instead of weakness!
I once had a Vigoroth from sandstrom with the worst grammer of all time. Sum people are just terrible at English.
bacon-boy said:
I once had a Vigoroth from sandstrom with the worst grammer of all time. Sum people are just terrible at English.

lol, plz say what it says

@PPM: how do you know it's 2 dmg counters?
bacon-boy said:
I once had a Vigoroth from sandstrom with the worst grammer of all time. Sum people are just terrible at English.

Were the mistakes in this intentional or is this really, really ironic?
I have a Mew LM
Link Blast:LF Mew and the Defending Pokènom have a different amount of Energy attached to them,this attack's base damage is 20 instead of 50