Cards that you want to be remade.

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I won City against an "unbeatable" kid using only DS and NO EX POKEMON (I couldn't afford them XD). I ran Flybutops with Nidoqueen. The other guy had Dark type T-Tar EX, Espy EX and Scizor EX.
Renzo said:
I won City against an "unbeatable" kid using only DS and NO EX POKEMON (I couldn't afford them XD). I ran Flybutops with Nidoqueen. The other guy had Dark type T-Tar EX, Espy EX and Scizor EX.

[sarcasm]OMG, you are a living legend![sarcasm]
Actually, there are a lot of "supposedly" unbeatable kids out there, but they always lose to me!
Lol but I distinctly remember the guy telling me that he had only lost one City (which was the week b4 and he lost to a Spearow).

He was pretty good too but I eventually beat him in the finals (I never beat him during regular ladder matches) and, along with one of my sisters, got first place! It was an awesome experience and getting that box of cards... so emotional. XD it was more cards than I had ever gotten at one time. Too bad I could never get into the game totally. I was "strongly advised" not to spend $30 on a card. Now that I think about it, Flybutops was $30 :D
Bill, DCE, Holon's Electrode+Holon's Magneton.

red blastoise said:
and a funny fact:
gellar only became angry on TV a few times, 3 to be precise.
1 yime, I don't know about.
the 2nd time, was the kadabra incident.
and now, on the dutch television, we have a program "de nieuwe uri geller" (the new uri gellar in english) and theres some vampire guy, and in every of his acts, he does something like eating a leech or voodoo.
and uri can't understand people vote for him, but thats because in every single one of the vampires shows uri freakss out ad starts yelling.
and thats extremeley funny.

He throwed a can of water into the floor while saying:
"Do you know how I feel?
I feel like this now!!"
Then he walked away!
a card that I wanted remade is gust of wind, just to have a handy way to surely bring back a retreated pokémon, than punish it.
I wish they would make some more *Star* Pokemon and I also want windstorm back because of stupid Unknown G!
I would pick Misty's Duel. It works just like TGW, but different effects. With TGW, winner draws 6, and the loser draws 3. With this card, winner draws five, and losers draw none.
I kind of want Copycat remade. I mean when your opponent starts drawing cards with Trainers, Supporters, Stadiums, then you just shuffle away your bad hand then draw cards.
Gliscor said:
I would pick Misty's Duel. It works just like TGW, but different effects. With TGW, winner draws 6, and the loser draws 3. With this card, winner draws five, and losers draw none.

Its last bit of text is rather mean. :p

"If you don't know how to play Rock-Paper-Scissors, you may flip a coin instead."
Windstorm. I hate how hard it is impossible to get rid of Unown G. It makes status decks virtually unplayable in a competative scene.
I want to see The Boss's way reprinted except it would have the art as Cyrus and would allow you to search out G pokemon. Also I still think reprinting the old gym leader pokemon and making the highest stage an SP pokemon would be cool. Blaine's Arcanine used to be so good before ex cards came out.
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