Discussion Cards To Resurface or See Play


Aspiring Trainer
This happens every time a new set comes out. Cards that have previously been ignored or phased out start popping up again thanks to new possible combos or counters to other playable cards. Case in point, PlasmaKlang from Plasma storm made Klingklang BW and Cobalion playable. As a result of that, Benchtini saw play as a counter.

Speaking of Cobalion, that's one of the cards that I think will resurface again. For two energy, Energy Press KOs a fully powered Xerneas EX. Iron Breaker with Muscle Band takes out any other metal weak pokemon.

There's also Scizor (BC) that has a reasonably prices attack that does 100. This is probably a stretch, but it is a possibility.

Hurricane Kick Lucario from PS is another one that I think could start to pop up. With a rainbow or blend energy, it can hit two types for weakness. Plus, it's attack is pretty good on it's own (can easily take out EX's late game). I'm actually surprised it hasn't seen more play prior, but that's for a different topic.

EXP Share: Another one I think is underrated. If you're playing pure fairy Aromatisse, you could have this for insurance against OHKO decks. You could theoretically save a lot of energy with just one of these (until they play tool scrapper).

Dialga EX: As a counter to BKEX and Rayquaza EX, two pokemon that OHKO everything. Again, fairy decks that run only fairy energy could take advantage of this as there aren't many other Dragon Counters without wierd energy requirements. At worst, it's just another big tanky pokemon that's excellent for fairy decks.

Salamence (DRV): The one with the hand disruption ability. It's similar to red card and if that becomes popular, I could see people playing this. Use this or red card followed by a Ghetsis an Mental Thrash with malamar could deplete an opponents hand to zero. If this becomes popular enough, Salamence PLB could be an easy tech against decks using a lot of tools.

Fliptini: Speaking of malamar, I hear it's been ruled that you can reflip for malamars attack.

Celebi EX: Possible combo with Trevenant / Phantump with astonish. Hand disruption under item sounds nasty.

Jolteon (DEX): Can do 60 for one. If Eeveelution decks remain popular, I could see this being put in to deal with Yveltal and Lugia (silver bangle) or Empoleon (muscle band).

Espeon (DEX): Especially if Gorgeist becomes popular. Not to mention the numerous effects this negates that Virizion doesn't.

There are probably some I'm missing, but those are the big ones.
From Malaysia states we see that Bronzong DRX (or DEX I'm not sure) surfaced. It makes both players unable to use healing cards, which many decks today run, especially the overhyped Fairy deck. There also was Honchcrow from DRX (again I may be wrong), which Kyle Succevich of The Top Cut showcased. It discards a card from your opponents hand, which works well with Red Card (hand down to 4), Hooligans Jim and Cas (Hand down to 1 if heads), and Diving Swipe (Hand down to 0).
Bronzong is seeing play? Awesome! I always knew that ability had potential (particularly in spread decks).

One I forgot about was Garchomp/Altaria. It can hit big numbers, especially with Silver Bangle. 2 energy + 3 altaria + 1 bangle = 190 damage! Enough to take out any EX and any pokemon that's not an EX.
Altaria will, sadly, never be good anymore. 70HP is too frail. What you're suggesting has been suggested before, and it's too much setup. I play the deck myself. Garbodor/Garchomp may see play, as it blocks fairy decks as well as Deoxys, and with a Muscle Band. Garchomp hits slightly more significant numbers. 1 Energy + Band + Laserbank = 110 Damage//2 Energy + Band + Laserbank = 150 Damage. It's more efficient, I guess.
Scorched Feathers said:
Altaria will, sadly, never be good anymore. 70HP is too frail. What you're suggesting has been suggested before, and it's too much setup. I play the deck myself. Garbodor/Garchomp may see play, as it blocks fairy decks as well as Deoxys, and with a Muscle Band. Garchomp hits slightly more significant numbers. 1 Energy + Band + Laserbank = 110 Damage//2 Energy + Band + Laserbank = 150 Damage. It's more efficient, I guess.
Due to the pokemon catcher nerf most decks can't easily KO Altaria. Altaria is very rarely in the active spot if ever. Even if your opponent did have some way of KO'ing Altaria it probably wouldn't be their main focus. They would want to try to eliminate your attackers (and your energy). Garchomp sets up very easily (due to Gabite's dragon call) and wouldn't actually be too much setup as you stated.
Camoclone said:
Scorched Feathers said:
Altaria will, sadly, never be good anymore. 70HP is too frail. What you're suggesting has been suggested before, and it's too much setup. I play the deck myself. Garbodor/Garchomp may see play, as it blocks fairy decks as well as Deoxys, and with a Muscle Band. Garchomp hits slightly more significant numbers. 1 Energy + Band + Laserbank = 110 Damage//2 Energy + Band + Laserbank = 150 Damage. It's more efficient, I guess.
Due to the pokemon catcher nerf most decks can't easily KO Altaria. Altaria is very rarely in the active spot if ever. Even if your opponent did have some way of KO'ing Altaria it probably wouldn't be their main focus. They would want to try to eliminate your attackers (and your energy). Garchomp sets up very easily (due to Gabite's dragon call) and wouldn't actually be too much setup as you stated.

It's too easy to start with Swablu too by the way, if you're playing against a deck that uses Laserbank it will hurt you. Also it's more setup, and the whole idea of Garchomp is to set up early, forcing yourself to waste level balls for them, that is painful when you would rather be getting Gibles and Gabites.
Blui said:
Camoclone said:
Due to the pokemon catcher nerf most decks can't easily KO Altaria. Altaria is very rarely in the active spot if ever. Even if your opponent did have some way of KO'ing Altaria it probably wouldn't be their main focus. They would want to try to eliminate your attackers (and your energy). Garchomp sets up very easily (due to Gabite's dragon call) and wouldn't actually be too much setup as you stated.

It's too easy to start with Swablu too by the way, if you're playing against a deck that uses Laserbank it will hurt you. Also it's more setup, and the whole idea of Garchomp is to set up early, forcing yourself to waste level balls for them, that is painful when you would rather be getting Gibles and Gabites.

This is a true statement, I've tested Altaria extensively and it just isn't doing what it needs to in order to win.

Also, getting 3 Altarias out doens't happen -__-
Getting 3 Altaria out happens against decks that can't stop your setup, and it only ever happens when you have the win in the Bag. Garbodor is simply a better partner for it, because it stops most of the things that kill Garchomp off.
Scorched Feathers said:
Getting 3 Altaria out happens against decks that can't stop your setup, and it only ever happens when you have the win in the Bag. Garbodor is simply a better partner for it, because it stops most of the things that kill Garchomp off.

True statement, still the chances that at least one of your line will be prized.
AlexanderTheAwesome said:
Scorched Feathers said:
Getting 3 Altaria out happens against decks that can't stop your setup, and it only ever happens when you have the win in the Bag. Garbodor is simply a better partner for it, because it stops most of the things that kill Garchomp off.

True statement, still the chances that at least one of your line will be prized.

Exactly. It happens to me in like, 75% of my games, and I run a 3-3 Line, like a sane person.
Blui said:
Camoclone said:
Due to the pokemon catcher nerf most decks can't easily KO Altaria. Altaria is very rarely in the active spot if ever. Even if your opponent did have some way of KO'ing Altaria it probably wouldn't be their main focus. They would want to try to eliminate your attackers (and your energy). Garchomp sets up very easily (due to Gabite's dragon call) and wouldn't actually be too much setup as you stated.
It's too easy to start with Swablu too by the way, if you're playing against a deck that uses Laserbank it will hurt you. Also it's more setup, and the whole idea of Garchomp is to set up early, forcing yourself to waste level balls for them, that is painful when you would rather be getting Gibles and Gabites.
That's true however Swablu has 40 HP. I could honestly care less if I only have 10 HP left (the important thing is that Swablu still alive). The simple solution is to run more search cards (I understand the deck is tight on room but you can cut some things). Once you get 1 Gabite out they chain really well. Getting an Altaria out isn't really a waste in my opinion.
Scorched Feathers said:
Getting 3 Altaria out happens against decks that can't stop your setup, and it only ever happens when you have the win in the Bag. Garbodor is simply a better partner for it, because it stops most of the things that kill Garchomp off.
You don't really need 3 Altaria out. Garchomp hits perfect numbers with one or two at the most. I'm not saying that Garchomp / Altaria is tier 1 but I'm saying that it isn't as bad as people say it is. In the right meta it can perform very well.

100 (Dragonblade) + 20 (Muscle band) + 30 (Laserbank) + 20 (Altaria) = 170
Scorched Feathers said:
I know it can preform very well, it's simply that Altaria takes too much time to set up now. Also dies to Genesect. :p
If they red signal Altaria then it isn't necessarily a bad thing. That is the point I was trying to make. You can plow through them with Garchomp if they chose to KO Altaria's. If I was playing against Garchomp then I would choose to KO the Garchomp which is dealing damage. Genesect isn't as bad as a matchup as you say it is in my opinion.

Time is relative. I don't feel that Altaria takes too much time to set up but it really depends on the meta.
I really don't like Altaria in Garchomp. It's just way too much set up in a format where you need to start swinging turn two. It takes up a lot of space, and if you don't score a OHKO's, then you might as well have just stuck with Muscle Band because unboosted Mach Cut with Bangle 2HKO's EX's for a lot less set up. Going Altarialess also allows you more space for increased consistency and other techs. Speaking of techs, I'm thinking I kind of like the idea of Gachomp/Garbodor. I'll have to try that out if/when I revert back to Garchomp. The main problem I had with Quad Garchomp was winning. It always seemed to fall just short of winning; it needed a little extra something. I honestly have't done any testing with the new format, but I feel like this might could work and might see some play.
How about Garchomp/Garbodor/Sableye/Lasers/Rainbow? That could be one of the few decks that could benefit from evosoda.

With these upcoming supporters, I think Stoutland could be a viable counter (it always had potential).
Stoutland BDIF. Now, on the garchomp thing it can be extremely consistent, like, you can win a match without supporters. But I have done testing and no variations even seem to stand anymore. Although bringing a new deck up, weavile/eggs might reserface in anti darkgarb metas. Its a good deck. And while were at it, tool drop, empire, and big basics. Lets bring everything back now.
How about Stoutland/Trevenant/Palkia/Blastoise EX? Use Stoutland and Trevenant to block either items or supporters (which ever is causing trouble) and Palkia and Blastoise to hit and run while sending out the appropriate counter for the situation.
zavtac said:
Stoutland BDIF. Now, on the garchomp thing it can be extremely consistent, like, you can win a match without supporters. But I have done testing and no variations even seem to stand anymore. Although bringing a new deck up, weavile/eggs might reserface in anti darkgarb metas. Its a good deck. And while were at it, tool drop, empire, and big basics. Lets bring everything back now.

Yeah, Garbodor shuts down Exeggcute as well... :/