Discussion Cards To Resurface or See Play

Weavile / Eggs isn't that bad right now... It's probably tier 3 and can perform pretty decently. Someone in my area has been running one that can consistently hit for 180 on turn 2.
Do share. I miss Weavile. I've always had trouble ditching Eggs in the Discard Pile early just because there's so much room for inconsistency - aka, starting Eggsecute.
Well... I agree. It can be a deck, but with dark garb running around. Starting with eggs can be a pain. Whenever I play a deck with the eggs in it, every single game, somehow, I manage to start with the eggs. If someone could make a list that is consistent, then I'm up to play it.
I don't feel like find the first quote about Altaria so shut up.

Altaria's not exclusive to Garchomp. I've been trying out a Palkia/Altaria/Walls deck and it's not bad. It has trouble with Garbodor and decks with Catcher effects, but otherwise, it's solid against a lot of decks.

I think Lightning types in general will be appearing in more decks to combat Yveltal and Lugia. Raichu, Lanturn and Manectric can all pretty easily do enough to KO both of them. Zekrom EX can be fun in Fairy decks, since it discards it's Energy, so Yveltal doesn't do much to it. Thundurus will definitely stay a 3-of in Plasma, and even some Vir/Gen decks can play it with Prism Energy.
Elbow said:
From Malaysia states we see that Bronzong DRX (or DEX I'm not sure) surfaced. It makes both players unable to use healing cards, which many decks today run, especially the overhyped Fairy deck. There also was Honchcrow from DRX (again I may be wrong), which Kyle Succevich of The Top Cut showcased. It discards a card from your opponents hand, which works well with Red Card (hand down to 4), Hooligans Jim and Cas (Hand down to 1 if heads), and Diving Swipe (Hand down to 0).

Malamar's Mental Trash seems like it could be better than Honchkrow DRX in here since your opponent flip 4 coins and for each tails they discard a card instead of just 1 card at random with Honchkrow's Diving Swipe. Bronzong NXD for Heal Block is arguably the best reason not to run Max Potion in Fairies, Darkrai, or even Empoleon and it also hurts Dragonite/Reuniclus by shutting down Cresselia EX and Champions Festival.

Lugia isn't worth a Lightning tech to get around If you're running Silver Mirror but If you're playing against Yveltal then you could run something like Raichu XY, Jolteon DEX, Thundurus EX, or even Zekrom EX I suppose. Someone at my LGS was testing Palkia EX with Gothitelle instead of pairing it up with Accelgor which seemed to do okay against VirGen although If it was up to me I would've paired Malamar and Garbodor with Dragonite by locking abilities, items, and downsizing their hand.
I could see zekrom EX making a showing again. With just a muscle band you can do a garunteed 170 taking out most EX's in the game. Especially in fairy decks so you can just transfer 2 prisim and 2 basics for the discard cost.
Card I think will get more play as more sets are released: EvoSoda.

1. We're getting more and more playable stage 1s.
2. Pokemon Fan Club makes it much easier to get the basics you need into play. I could see some decks using that to get the basics into play and then evosoda to get their evolutions.
Until rotation, Level Ball/Heavy Ball are generally superior cards, as they have no play restrictions. Even then, we'll see Ultra Ball a lot more. I think that towards the rotation, people stopped playing Pokémon Collector, so I don't know if Fan Club will see much play, even.
Level Ball/Heavy Ball can't grab everything though. The upcoming Pyroar is a good example and I think there are others too.
Scorched Feathers said:
Until rotation, Level Ball/Heavy Ball are generally superior cards, as they have no play restrictions. Even then, we'll see Ultra Ball a lot more. I think that towards the rotation, people stopped playing Pokémon Collector, so I don't know if Fan Club will see much play, even.


*Gets Boo'd*
*hides away in corner of deck that uses 3-2 Great Ball-Ultra Ball line*

In all seriousness, Great Ball is actually good in Fairies. If you have yet to test it, test it.
Okay, time to bring this thread back.

-Mewtwo EX: Not that Mewtwo EX was ever bad, but with Lucario EX (and it's mega) coming out with all that support, Mewtwo becomes an easy counter.

-Toxicroak: Another good counter, not just to fighting, but to Mewtwo EX. I myself am testing a 2-2 line in a Lucario deck of my own.

-Celebi EX: This should be good with megas. It's good with M Charizard as a solution to Pyroar, but Lucario and it's mega seem even better. It could also be fun with the upcoming Machamp. That ten damage from Machops attack can easily become 70, 90, 110 with the right support. Finally, there's the new Politoed/Poliwrath combo. The pre evolution attacks are good, especially since they are free.

-Master Ball: After the rotation, we'll only have ultra ball to get us the pokemon we need. Master ball, at the very least, provides a search card that doesn't require a discard (as we'll no longer have level and heavy ball).
Master Ball for decks that don't want to discard much. However, decks that can handle discarding will likely run Computer Search over Master Ball since it can get anything.
With the new problem of having barely any cards to search out Pokemon, I'd think Pokemon Fan Club will start to see more play, especially in evolution decks (which are the ones getting hit the hardest by losing Level Ball). It's really not a bad card at all, especially with Jirachi, since you can Fan Club for Jirachi to get you out of a dead hand.
Pokemon Fan Club is a staple in my Weaveggs deck. Mewtwo EX is are new best Lucario/fighting counter. Trevenant will get more love when Garbodor gets weeded out.
There is no doubt in my mind that Mewtwo-EX will be making a comeback this format *and im loving it* With Enhanced Hammer leaving i know we will definitely see more Team Flare Grunt or other Special Energy removal attacks. With Level and Heavy leaving people are going to rush to Pokemon Fan Club but for those speedy decks that need that draw power i definitely expect to see Great Ball being played. The last thing i can randomly think of is that no longer having super rod will be a huge loss to some decks for sheer utility but for those that needed it Energy Retrieval will surely make a come-back to fill that slot!
Does anyone seriously play Team Flare Grunt? Haven't seen that since the prereleases. But I totally agree that Mewtwo is going to get a lot better with this next set. Furious Fists has a lot of Fighting support, so naturally Fighting Pokemon are going to see more play. My friends have been talking about Lucario a lot, and it seems decent. Mewtwo is just an all around good attacker with a plus of hitting Lucario particularly hard. Easy KO's on Machops if people decide to play Machamp. And one of the things that made Mewtwo bad (well maybe not bad--just harder to use) was Plasma because it was nothing for Plasma to attach and Colress Machine and one-shot Mewtwo. And it's a bit harder for Mewtwo to revenge Deoxys because it needs for there to be another energy, Muscle Band, Laser, PlusPower, etc. But now that Plasma is loosing both Prism Energy AND Blend Energy, I don't expect as many people to be playing it. I kind of miss the days where Mewtwo was so good that literally every deck had at least one copy of Mewtwo.
Mora said:
Does anyone seriously play Team Flare Grunt? Haven't seen that since the prereleases.

The only reason crushing hammer is/was every played is because it could be played while you yourself also set-up, thus giving you an advantage. Team Flare Grunt may slow your opponent down, but by relinquishing your supporter for the turn you are slowing yourself down just as much, if not moreso. That, and Team Flare Grunt can't be retrieved by Sableye (the only card hammers was ever really used with anyways).
For me, the big weakness with TFG is that it only targets the active. Had it allowed you to remove energy from bench pokemon, it would have been much more playable.
How about Espeon from PLF? It will not only snipe more things for weakness, but it has a new Eevee that can evolve T1. It can also take out Trubbish before it evolves (not to mention all the usual plasma benefits).