Cards which hyped up many people but in the end....=.=

Donphan Prime was overhyped. He's still awesome, but he got so much hype that no one card could live up to it. Tyranitar Prime wax overhyped, as well a Gatr Prime. Both fine cards, just not up to standard.

As per underhyped cards, ERL comes to mind. He needs more recognition. Crobat Prime could use some love too, as soon as Unown G gets the boot.
Wasn't Palkia G Lv.X Normal/Underrated before 09 States? No one really talked about it much, I think.
I can't believe anyone got to this earlier.

Darkrai Lv.X anyone? that card was hyped so much with weavile and honchkrow. It wasn't even cool how much the hype was.

Raichu Lv.X was also terribly hyped. I remember that too.

ERL was hyped...doesn't anyone remember lol

Crobat Prime was one of the most overhyped too. And it has done nothing.

Upper and Gallade were good at that yeah

Garchomp C was hyped like crazy e.e

Luxray was good, and hyped a little bit

Same for Communication and Collector

So yeah...most cards on your underrated list actually were hyped.
Well here are my picks
All of PA(except CurseGar cards)
Absol G LV.X
All HGSS primes except Donphan
All UL except ERL and Tyranitar and Kingdra
Flygon LV.X(to a point)
Blaziken FB LV.X(to a point)
Luxray GL LV.X(it was hyped to a point but no one expected it to be this dominant)
Garchomp C LV.X
Tyranitar Prime
Gengar SF
Gyrados SF

Those would be my picks.
salamence X was hyped, for some reason. And I think tangrowth is good, even if it didn't end up meta.

completely unnoticed:
steelix prime.
Arceus was so overhyped, it wasn't funny. So was Feraligator Prime, I think I was the only who thought it would fail(turned out I was right)
Overrated - Jumpluff, CHARIZARD.

Unless you get loads of Pokemon collectors, you get owned. :/
Ugh. Jumpluff just bugs me. I traded my RH one for a Suicune/Raikou half and five Bebe's for the other half.
Legends Awakened Kingdra, hyped up as if it was FR Pidgeot quality, but did not even make it into Worlds deck.
icyFREEZEdragon said:
Legends Awakened Kingdra, hyped up as if it was FR Pidgeot quality, but did not even make it into Worlds deck.

At the time it deserved the hype. The main reason it didn't make it into worlds was because it was released right after a season of setup and 2-3 energy attackers. Kingdra pretty much came and said, "I can attack T1 lols." But it was good at the time the format was DP-LA. Had Kingdra been released at a later time when SPs were introduced then I wouldn't have expected much hype for it at the time.
It dominated BR's and was tier one @ CC's as well.
Once SPs came out(DGX+PGX+ ToxiTank) it fell apart as it's setup was being crippled by DGX etc.
Then Lux GL LV.X pretty much gave it the final blow.
However the deck has been on the rebound this season w/ Kingdra Prime,as seen @ Nats.
I'm prepared to be flamed here...
When the translations for the Japanese Rising Rivals came out, I didn't see much hype at all for Luxray GL Lv.X. And what do you know, it's the most expensive card in the format.
^I'm sure you meant Luxray but you didn't say any card lol.
You're right! The word "anything" is nowhere to be seen on that post!
Oh, yeah. A couple more.
I remember someone (I THINK it was Lou Cypher) doing an article about RR Aggron, only to say at the end in a hidden message that it was a joke article. Many didn't see it and actually considered running Aggron.

And then there's Gyarados. I think this has been said before, but before it got a high place in a Worlds or Nationals or something, nobody played it. Now it's everywhere.

But now for a hyped card, Heatran Lv.X. It was famed for its ability to let you use high risk and high damage attacks every single turn. But it just got too hard to bring it out.
And Level MAX...ooh, I remember the hype around that one. I found that hilarious.
And Honchkrow Lv.X when Miasma Valley came out...
And Garchomp Lv.X...
And Rayquaza C Lv.X...
And Venusaur SV...
AND Arcanine RR...
The list just goes on and on.
Pokefan4000 said:
Oh, yeah. A couple more.
I remember someone (I THINK it was Lou Cypher) doing an article about RR Aggron, only to say at the end in a hidden message that it was a joke article. Many didn't see it and actually considered running Aggron.

It was DOX.

BTW, I don't really remember Arcanine being all too hyped. I thought it was just normal?
There was a bit of hype on Arcanine. Now you see absolutely nothing.

Oh, yes...and Turterrible (Turtwig GL deck). RR brought us Turtwig GL, which was hyped at the time. Each time more Grass support and things that increased/healed HP were released, Turtwig GL was brought up. But it never really sees the light of the top tier list.
I think this deserves to be bumped either way, but if this is considered on topic I wanted to say that people really underappreciated Crobat in some ways. I agree that it doesn't have much of a future(with Claydol gone) but by no means was it bad after UL came out in DP-on. People acted like it was really hyped and sucked, but actually it was only hyped a bit and did pretty well, for a rogue.