Cards you hate/love


Any Quagsire card
Any Ariados card
Vaporeon MD (awesome artwork + cool attacks)
Pelipper GE (don't ask)
Beedrill GE (swarming ftw and 110 HP ftw)
Weezing GE (makes so many poison decks pwnage)
Crobat MT (rather crap, but cool artwork and crobats are cool :p)
Bastiodon MT (coolio)
Gyrados MT (awesome and good artwork)
Masquerain MT (awesome with Ariados)
Darkrai Lv X (can take down Gallade easily... As long as it gets its attack in first :p Seriously once this attack is used, your opponent only has a 25% chance of doing anything. And a 25% od getting knocked out right on the spot)
Tyranitar MT (great pokemon, cool card)


not much, actually. :p
Im loving all the puny GG haters, most of which just hate it cuz its good.

pl0x - fave deck since flariados
leaf x - ANIMAL
iphone - itech this everywhere

Anything luck based, minus Flariados cards. Still never hit er2 flips though....
Lordofflareons said:
Im loving all the puny GG haters, most of which just hate it cuz its good.
pl0x - fave deck since flariados
leaf x - ANIMAL
iphone - itech this everywhere

Anything luck based, minus Flariados cards. Still never hit er2 flips though....

No, it's SOOOOOO overplayed. It boring going to a league and facing the same thing over and over again.

We all know its good.
Flariados is Flareon and Ariados, right? Flareon to discard energies, and Ariados increasing the opponent's retreat costs, to stop them retreating, right? :p

(sorry for the off-topic-ness. Oh, and Masqueardos ftw)

Oh, and er, I'm rather indifferent to GG/PLOX. I dislike how overused they are, but they're still great cards and I love Telepass.
I looove all fossil pokemon. I love the fossils too. I just think that system is so cool.

I don't like LOUDRED. How can something sooo ugly evolve from something so cute? It angers me! LOL. :)
A bench with Plusle+Minun SW
Pulling a rare and the rare RH in the same booster (not a card, but I've done it twice)
Phione MD (the good one!)
Pachi GE

nothing in particular except bad artwork...I hate it so much...
Loves all of "Tha non-cap Pokémons", especially Tangrowth, who has the best partner of them all. And absolutely Leafeon, somewhat is something very different among them.

I hate all the Pokémons that threatens SceppyGrowth D: <
Like the stupid Magmortar for example.
Arcanine Blackstar promo (love the art)
Arcanine ex
Lucario Lv.X
Leafeon Lv.X
Magmortar Lv.X
Any Magikarp
Mom's Kindness
Cards with bad art
Hate gallade, cessation crystal, and filler cards for sets.
Love eeveelutions, good artwork, good cards dificult to use and ex/lvx
Rival and mom's kindness... seriously wtf?
GG is just a stupid mistake deck. Seriously how did they make that and not think it was going to be to good? gally can 1 hit anything other then what, wailord?

I love mew* alakazam* and salamence EX. Right now Garchomp and porygon Z are the funniest cards I know of (the level Xs that is).
prenceofdarkness said:
gally can 1 hit anything other then what, wailord?

Oh yeah, and I love Wailord and think it's totally underused. Whenever you hear somebody saying about how good a card is, often you'll hear: "It OHKO's ANYTHING... Oh, except Wailord". People kind of took it as a joke, and there are no obvious combos for it, so it hasn't been used. I also love the illustration.
Suns and moon Lol.

I Hate Gallades, claydols and gardevoirs. I LOOOVE Shedinja dx, shedinja dr, Shedinja la, every Magikarps Gengar dp, Darkrai lv.x And other darkrais, Empoleons, Zapdos`s And Ninjasks.
pokenav!!! once my brother thought that an absol with foresight and pokenav was a good start. my older brother is not the sharpest tool in the pokemon shed. i kept on telling him to redo the start engine but he never did, and still to this day he says it was awesome. so i have a grudge against that card. I love metagross. it has no resembellance to any animal, plant, rock, or bug. and it is cool!!!
I'm tired of GG being overused, but can't wait until next season for that one. I like the eeveelutions a whole lot, and the new armaldo that's getting ready to come out.
Secretsof2113: I agree that the Eveelutions are adorable. And the Leafeon/Glaceon Lv.X's in Majestic Dawn are sooo awesome! I wish I had the Leafeon!